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Code Review II - Estimate HSIC

This notebook features all of the functions necessary to estimate HSIC given different sigma estimation methods. We will look at the 3 methods:

  • HSIC (centered kernel, unnormalized)
  • Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) (centered kernel, normalized)
  • Kernel Alignment (KA) (uncentered kernel, unnormalized)

And we will also look at how we calculate the kernel matrix:

  • 1 RBF Kernel for both K_{XY}
  • 1 RBF Kernel per datasets, K_X, K_Y
  • 1 ARD Kernel per dataset, K_{X_d}, K_{Y_d} (an RBF kernel with a lengths scale per dimensions)
import sys, os

# Insert path to model directory,.
cwd = os.getcwd()
path = f"{cwd}/../../src"
sys.path.insert(0, path)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial

# toy datasets
from data.distribution import DataParams, Inputs

# Plotting Procedures
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns['seaborn-paper'])

# Insert path to package,.
pysim_path = f"/home/emmanuel/code/pysim/"
sys.path.insert(0, pysim_path)


def plot_2d_data(X):
    fig  = plt.figure()

    g = sns.jointplot(
        x=X[:, 0],
        y=X[:, 1],

def plot_1d_data(X):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize the data generator
dist_data = DataParams(
inputs = dist_data.generate_data()

# Plot the Distribution
plot_1d_data(inputs.X[:, 0])
plot_1d_data(inputs.X[:, 1])

Estimate Sigma

I'll be using the same function that I developed in the last notebook which had the following methods available:

from typing import Optional
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

def scotts_factor(X: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """Scotts Method to estimate the length scale of the 
    rbf kernel.

        factor = n**(-1./(d+4))

    X : np.ndarry
        Input array

    factor : float
        the length scale estimated

    n_samples, n_features = X.shape

    return np.power(n_samples, - 1 / (n_features + 4.))

def silvermans_factor(X: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """Silvermans method used to estimate the length scale
    of the rbf kernel.

    factor = (n * (d + 2) / 4.)**(-1. / (d + 4)).

    X : np.ndarray,
        Input array

    factor : float
        the length scale estimated
    n_samples, n_features = X.shape

    base = ( n_samples * (n_features + 2.) ) / 4.

    return np.power(base, - 1 / (n_features + 4.))

def kth_distance(dists: np.ndarray, percent: float) -> np.ndarray:

    # kth distance calculation (50%)
    kth_sample = int(percent * dists.shape[0])

    # take the Kth neighbours of that distance
    k_dist = dists[:, kth_sample]

    return k_dist

def sigma_estimate(
    X: np.ndarray,
    method: str='median',
    percent: Optional[int]=None,
    heuristic: bool=False
) -> float:

    # get the squared euclidean distances
    if method == 'silverman':
        return silvermans_factor(X)
    elif method == 'scott':
        return scotts_factor(X)
    elif percent is not None:
        kth_sample = int((percent/100) * X.shape[0])
        dists = np.sort(squareform(pdist(X, 'sqeuclidean')))[:, kth_sample]
#         print(dists.shape, dists.min(), dists.max())
        dists = np.sort(pdist(X, 'sqeuclidean'))
#         print(dists.shape, dists.min(), dists.max())

    if method == 'median':
        sigma = np.median(dists)
    elif method == 'mean':
        sigma = np.mean(dists)
        raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized distance measure: {method}")

    if heuristic:
        sigma = np.sqrt(sigma / 2)
    return sigma

RBF Kernel Matrix

We define the generalized RBF kernel like so:

K(\mathbf{x,y}) = \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\left|\left|\frac{\mathbf{x}}{\sigma} - \frac{\mathbf{y}}{\sigma}\right|\right|^2_2\right)

where \mathbf{x,y} \in \mathbb{R}^{D} and \sigma can be either \in \mathbb{R} or \in \mathbb{R}^{D}.

From scratch

To calculate this from scratch efficiently, we can do the following:

  1. Divide each vector by the length scale

We can divide each vector \mathbf{x,y} by the lengths scale \sigma before calculating the euclidean distance.

  • Case I: \sigma \in \mathbb{R} - it will broadcast the vector across the samples and features, e.g. \frac{\mathbf{X}}{\sigma} = \frac{N \times D}{1} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times D}
  • Case II: \sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{D} - it will broadcast the vector across the samples, e.g. \frac{\mathbf{X}}{\sigma} = \frac{N \times D}{1 \times D} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times D}
  • Case III: \sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{N} - it will broadcast the vector across the features, e.g. \frac{\mathbf{X}}{\sigma} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times 1} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times D}

So we can reuse the same code no matter which \sigma we give it. Any other case or size \sigma wil through up an error.

# 0. Estimate sigma
sigma_x = sigma_estimate(
    inputs.X, method='median', percent=None, heuristic=False
sigma_y = sigma_estimate(
    inputs.Y, method='median', percent=None, heuristic=False

sigma_xy = np.mean([sigma_x, sigma_y])

# 1. Divide each vector by the length scale
X_scaled = inputs.X / sigma_x

2. Calculate the squared euclidean distance between two the two vectors

# 2. euclidean distance
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

dist = euclidean_distances(X_scaled, X_scaled, squared=True)
dist_ = cdist(X_scaled, X_scaled, metric='sqeuclidean')
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dist, dist_)

3. Exponentiate the distances

# 2. Exponential Kernel
K_xy = np.exp(-0.5 * dist)

print(K_xy.min(), K_xy.max())

0.006274266046377698 1.0
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fc65009b1f0>


Fortunately, there are people smarter than me and they already have a function that does the exact same thing.

from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF

K_sk = RBF(sigma_x)(inputs.X, inputs.X)


# check that they're the same
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(K_xy, K_sk)

Side Note - The Original Formula

Most people write down this distance formula:

K(\mathbf{x,y}) = \exp\left(-\frac{\left|\left|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}\right|\right|^2_2}{2\sigma^2}\right)

This is equivalent to the formula I did above:

$$ K(\mathbf{x,y}) =\exp\left(-\frac{\left|\left|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}\right|\right|2_2}{2\sigma2}\right) = \exp\left(-\left|\left|\frac{\mathbf{x}}{\sigma} - \frac{\mathbf{y}}{\sigma}\right|\right|^2_2\right) $$

# original
# 1. Divide each vector by the length scale
X_1d = inputs.X[:, 0].reshape(-1,1)

dist = euclidean_distances(X_1d, X_1d, squared=True)

# 2. Exponential Kernel
K_xy = np.exp(- dist / (2 * sigma_x ** 2))

# quicker
K_sk = RBF(sigma_x)(X_1d, X_1d)

np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(K_xy, K_sk)

Calculating HSIC

Calculating HSIC is quite simple.

  1. Compute each kernel, K_x, K_y
  2. Center the Kernel Matrix (or not)
  3. Compute the Trace
  4. Normalize or not
# kernel matrices
K_x = RBF(sigma_x)(inputs.X)
K_y = RBF(sigma_y)(inputs.Y)

# center the kernel matrices
from sklearn.preprocessing import KernelCenterer

K_xc = KernelCenterer().fit_transform(K_x)
K_yc = KernelCenterer().fit_transform(K_y)

# Compute the Trace
hsic_score = np.sum(K_xc * K_yc)

print('HSIC:', (1 / K_xc.shape[0]**2) * hsic_score)

# normalize by the norm
cka_score = hsic_score / np.linalg.norm(K_xc, ord='fro') / np.linalg.norm(K_yc, ord='fro')

print('CKA:', cka_score)

# Kernel Alignment, no centering
ka_score = np.sum(K_x * K_y) / np.linalg.norm(K_x, ord='fro') / np.linalg.norm(K_y, ord='fro')
print('KA:', ka_score)
HSIC: 0.0002787777096594028
CKA: 0.01807799077138073
KA: 0.9543875481010973


I already created a more complete function.

from models.dependence import HSICModel

hsic_clf = HSICModel(

# hsic score
hsic_score_ = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, 'hsic')
print('HSIC:', hsic_score_)

# cka score
cka_score_ = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, 'cka')
print('HSIC:', cka_score_)

# ka score
ka_score_ = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, 'ka')
print('HSIC:', ka_score_)
HSIC: 0.0002787777096594028
HSIC: 0.01807799077138073
HSIC: 0.9543875481010973

Notice how the scores are all the same.

Different Sigma Configurations

So now, let's see how the scores change depending on how we estimate the sigma parameter. We're going to use a combination of the following scenarios:

  • HSIC Scorer - HSIC, KA, CKA
  • Estimator - Scott, Silverman, Median, Mean, Median Kth (15% samples)
  • Sigma Config - Single, Per Dataset, Per Dataset+Dimension

So let's gather all parameter combinations.

parameters = {
    'scorer': ['hsic', 'cka', 'ka'],
    'estimator': [
        ('median', 15),
        ('median', None),
        ('mean', None),

    'per_dataset': [True, False],
    'per_dimension': [True, False]

And we're going to take the cartesian product so that we get all possible combinations. I have a dedicated function for that.

from experiments.utils import dict_product, run_parallel_step

# create a list of all param combinations
parameters_list = list(dict_product(parameters))
n_params= len(parameters_list)
print('# of Params:', n_params)
# of Params: 60

So we have 60 combinations to look through just from this set of parameters. Now, let's create a look and go through all of the combinations.

results = list()

for iparams in parameters_list:

    # 0. Estimate sigma
    f_x = lambda x: sigma_estimate(

    # ========================
    # Per Dimension
    # ========================
    if iparams['per_dimension']:
        sigma_X = [f_x(ifeature.reshape(-1, 1)) for ifeature in inputs.X.T]
        sigma_Y = [f_x(ifeature.reshape(-1, 1)) for ifeature in inputs.Y.T]

        sigma_X = f_x(inputs.X)
        sigma_Y = f_x(inputs.Y)

    # =========================
    # Per Dataset
    # =========================
    if not iparams['per_dataset']:
        sigma_X = np.mean([sigma_X, sigma_Y])
        sigma_Y = np.copy(sigma_X)

    # =========================
    # Estimate HSIC
    # =========================
    hsic_clf = HSICModel(

    score = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, iparams['scorer'])

    # Save Data
        'score': [score],
        'scorer': [iparams['scorer']],
        'estimator': [iparams['estimator']],
        'sigma_Y': [sigma_Y],
        'sigma_X': [sigma_X],
        'per_dimension': [iparams['per_dimension']],
        'per_dataset': [iparams['per_dataset']],
results_df = pd.concat(results)
score scorer estimator sigma_Y sigma_X per_dimension per_dataset
0 0.001993 hsic (median, 15) [0.05111714688849182, 0.051362071720277146] [0.04721265098560398, 0.0582261233599152] True True
0 0.001777 hsic (median, 15) 0.618971 0.566652 False True
0 0.001993 hsic (median, 15) 0.051979498238572036 0.0519795 True False
0 0.001768 hsic (median, 15) 0.5928113701712288 0.592811 False False
0 0.001885 hsic (scott, None) [0.2885399811814427, 0.2885399811814427] [0.2885399811814427, 0.2885399811814427] True True
0 0.001836 hsic (scott, None) 0.354954 0.354954 False True
0 0.001885 hsic (scott, None) 0.2885399811814427 0.28854 True False
0 0.001836 hsic (scott, None) 0.35495366597555705 0.354954 False False
0 0.001871 hsic (silverman, None) [0.30562842716315974, 0.30562842716315974] [0.30562842716315974, 0.30562842716315974] True True
0 0.001836 hsic (silverman, None) 0.354954 0.354954 False True
0 0.001871 hsic (silverman, None) 0.30562842716315974 0.305628 True False
0 0.001836 hsic (silverman, None) 0.35495366597555705 0.354954 False False
0 0.001690 hsic (median, None) [0.90660872358859, 0.8619837864110205] [0.8120777689523777, 0.854339231759148] True True
0 0.000279 hsic (median, None) 2.70446 2.56843 False True
0 0.001686 hsic (median, None) 0.8587523776777841 0.858752 True False
0 0.000280 hsic (median, None) 2.636443482285435 2.63644 False False
0 0.000603 hsic (mean, None) [2.0040080160320635, 2.0040080160320644] [2.004008016032065, 2.004008016032064] True True
0 0.000066 hsic (mean, None) 4.00802 4.00802 False True
0 0.000603 hsic (mean, None) 2.0040080160320644 2.00401 True False
0 0.000066 hsic (mean, None) 4.008016032064129 4.00802 False False
0 0.736922 cka (median, 15) [0.05111714688849182, 0.051362071720277146] [0.04721265098560398, 0.0582261233599152] True True
0 0.035560 cka (median, 15) 0.618971 0.566652 False True
0 0.737589 cka (median, 15) 0.051979498238572036 0.0519795 True False
0 0.035332 cka (median, 15) 0.5928113701712288 0.592811 False False
0 0.091317 cka (scott, None) [0.2885399811814427, 0.2885399811814427] [0.2885399811814427, 0.2885399811814427] True True
0 0.065822 cka (scott, None) 0.354954 0.354954 False True
0 0.091317 cka (scott, None) 0.2885399811814427 0.28854 True False
0 0.065822 cka (scott, None) 0.35495366597555705 0.354954 False False
0 0.083200 cka (silverman, None) [0.30562842716315974, 0.30562842716315974] [0.30562842716315974, 0.30562842716315974] True True
0 0.065822 cka (silverman, None) 0.354954 0.354954 False True
0 0.083200 cka (silverman, None) 0.30562842716315974 0.305628 True False
0 0.065822 cka (silverman, None) 0.35495366597555705 0.354954 False False
0 0.028354 cka (median, None) [0.90660872358859, 0.8619837864110205] [0.8120777689523777, 0.854339231759148] True True
0 0.018078 cka (median, None) 2.70446 2.56843 False True
0 0.028297 cka (median, None) 0.8587523776777841 0.858752 True False
0 0.018147 cka (median, None) 2.636443482285435 2.63644 False False
0 0.021557 cka (mean, None) [2.0040080160320635, 2.0040080160320644] [2.004008016032065, 2.004008016032064] True True
0 0.013931 cka (mean, None) 4.00802 4.00802 False True
0 0.021557 cka (mean, None) 2.0040080160320644 2.00401 True False
0 0.013931 cka (mean, None) 4.008016032064129 4.00802 False False
0 0.737020 ka (median, 15) [0.05111714688849182, 0.051362071720277146] [0.04721265098560398, 0.0582261233599152] True True
0 0.333186 ka (median, 15) 0.618971 0.566652 False True
0 0.737686 ka (median, 15) 0.051979498238572036 0.0519795 True False
0 0.333453 ka (median, 15) 0.5928113701712288 0.592811 False False
0 0.170798 ka (scott, None) [0.2885399811814427, 0.2885399811814427] [0.2885399811814427, 0.2885399811814427] True True
0 0.187087 ka (scott, None) 0.354954 0.354954 False True
0 0.170798 ka (scott, None) 0.2885399811814427 0.28854 True False
0 0.187087 ka (scott, None) 0.35495366597555705 0.354954 False False
0 0.172871 ka (silverman, None) [0.30562842716315974, 0.30562842716315974] [0.30562842716315974, 0.30562842716315974] True True
0 0.187087 ka (silverman, None) 0.354954 0.354954 False True
0 0.172871 ka (silverman, None) 0.30562842716315974 0.305628 True False
0 0.187087 ka (silverman, None) 0.35495366597555705 0.354954 False False
0 0.518595 ka (median, None) [0.90660872358859, 0.8619837864110205] [0.8120777689523777, 0.854339231759148] True True
0 0.954388 ka (median, None) 2.70446 2.56843 False True
0 0.518887 ka (median, None) 0.8587523776777841 0.858752 True False
0 0.954562 ka (median, None) 2.636443482285435 2.63644 False False
0 0.901849 ka (mean, None) [2.0040080160320635, 2.0040080160320644] [2.004008016032065, 2.004008016032064] True True
0 0.988300 ka (mean, None) 4.00802 4.00802 False True
0 0.901849 ka (mean, None) 2.0040080160320644 2.00401 True False
0 0.988300 ka (mean, None) 4.008016032064129 4.00802 False False

Evaluating how this all works is very difficult without any plots. So we'll skip ahead to the analysis code review in the next notebook.