Code Review II - Estimate HSIC¶
This notebook features all of the functions necessary to estimate HSIC given different sigma estimation methods. We will look at the 3 methods:
- HSIC (centered kernel, unnormalized)
- Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) (centered kernel, normalized)
- Kernel Alignment (KA) (uncentered kernel, unnormalized)
And we will also look at how we calculate the kernel matrix:
- 1 RBF Kernel for both K_{XY}
- 1 RBF Kernel per datasets, K_X, K_Y
- 1 ARD Kernel per dataset, K_{X_d}, K_{Y_d} (an RBF kernel with a lengths scale per dimensions)
import sys, os
# Insert path to model directory,.
cwd = os.getcwd()
path = f"{cwd}/../../src"
sys.path.insert(0, path)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial
# toy datasets
from data.distribution import DataParams, Inputs
# Plotting Procedures
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns['seaborn-paper'])
# Insert path to package,.
pysim_path = f"/home/emmanuel/code/pysim/"
sys.path.insert(0, pysim_path)
def plot_2d_data(X):
fig = plt.figure()
g = sns.jointplot(
x=X[:, 0],
y=X[:, 1],
def plot_1d_data(X):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# initialize the data generator
dist_data = DataParams(
inputs = dist_data.generate_data()
# Plot the Distribution
plot_1d_data(inputs.X[:, 0])
plot_1d_data(inputs.X[:, 1])
Estimate Sigma¶
I'll be using the same function that I developed in the last notebook which had the following methods available:
from typing import Optional
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
def scotts_factor(X: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""Scotts Method to estimate the length scale of the
rbf kernel.
factor = n**(-1./(d+4))
X : np.ndarry
Input array
factor : float
the length scale estimated
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
return np.power(n_samples, - 1 / (n_features + 4.))
def silvermans_factor(X: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""Silvermans method used to estimate the length scale
of the rbf kernel.
factor = (n * (d + 2) / 4.)**(-1. / (d + 4)).
X : np.ndarray,
Input array
factor : float
the length scale estimated
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
base = ( n_samples * (n_features + 2.) ) / 4.
return np.power(base, - 1 / (n_features + 4.))
def kth_distance(dists: np.ndarray, percent: float) -> np.ndarray:
# kth distance calculation (50%)
kth_sample = int(percent * dists.shape[0])
# take the Kth neighbours of that distance
k_dist = dists[:, kth_sample]
return k_dist
def sigma_estimate(
X: np.ndarray,
method: str='median',
percent: Optional[int]=None,
heuristic: bool=False
) -> float:
# get the squared euclidean distances
if method == 'silverman':
return silvermans_factor(X)
elif method == 'scott':
return scotts_factor(X)
elif percent is not None:
kth_sample = int((percent/100) * X.shape[0])
dists = np.sort(squareform(pdist(X, 'sqeuclidean')))[:, kth_sample]
# print(dists.shape, dists.min(), dists.max())
dists = np.sort(pdist(X, 'sqeuclidean'))
# print(dists.shape, dists.min(), dists.max())
if method == 'median':
sigma = np.median(dists)
elif method == 'mean':
sigma = np.mean(dists)
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized distance measure: {method}")
if heuristic:
sigma = np.sqrt(sigma / 2)
return sigma
RBF Kernel Matrix¶
We define the generalized RBF kernel like so:
where \mathbf{x,y} \in \mathbb{R}^{D} and \sigma can be either \in \mathbb{R} or \in \mathbb{R}^{D}.
From scratch¶
To calculate this from scratch efficiently, we can do the following:
- Divide each vector by the length scale
We can divide each vector \mathbf{x,y} by the lengths scale \sigma before calculating the euclidean distance.
- Case I: \sigma \in \mathbb{R} - it will broadcast the vector across the samples and features, e.g. \frac{\mathbf{X}}{\sigma} = \frac{N \times D}{1} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times D}
- Case II: \sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{D} - it will broadcast the vector across the samples, e.g. \frac{\mathbf{X}}{\sigma} = \frac{N \times D}{1 \times D} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times D}
- Case III: \sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{N} - it will broadcast the vector across the features, e.g. \frac{\mathbf{X}}{\sigma} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times 1} = \frac{N \times D}{N \times D}
So we can reuse the same code no matter which \sigma we give it. Any other case or size \sigma wil through up an error.
# 0. Estimate sigma
sigma_x = sigma_estimate(
inputs.X, method='median', percent=None, heuristic=False
sigma_y = sigma_estimate(
inputs.Y, method='median', percent=None, heuristic=False
sigma_xy = np.mean([sigma_x, sigma_y])
# 1. Divide each vector by the length scale
X_scaled = inputs.X / sigma_x
# 2. euclidean distance
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
dist = euclidean_distances(X_scaled, X_scaled, squared=True)
dist_ = cdist(X_scaled, X_scaled, metric='sqeuclidean')
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dist, dist_)
# 2. Exponential Kernel
K_xy = np.exp(-0.5 * dist)
print(K_xy.min(), K_xy.max())
Fortunately, there are people smarter than me and they already have a function that does the exact same thing.
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF
K_sk = RBF(sigma_x)(inputs.X, inputs.X)
# check that they're the same
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(K_xy, K_sk)
Side Note - The Original Formula¶
Most people write down this distance formula:
This is equivalent to the formula I did above:
$$ K(\mathbf{x,y}) =\exp\left(-\frac{\left|\left|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}\right|\right|2_2}{2\sigma2}\right) = \exp\left(-\left|\left|\frac{\mathbf{x}}{\sigma} - \frac{\mathbf{y}}{\sigma}\right|\right|^2_2\right) $$
# original
# 1. Divide each vector by the length scale
X_1d = inputs.X[:, 0].reshape(-1,1)
dist = euclidean_distances(X_1d, X_1d, squared=True)
# 2. Exponential Kernel
K_xy = np.exp(- dist / (2 * sigma_x ** 2))
# quicker
K_sk = RBF(sigma_x)(X_1d, X_1d)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(K_xy, K_sk)
Calculating HSIC¶
Calculating HSIC is quite simple.
- Compute each kernel, K_x, K_y
- Center the Kernel Matrix (or not)
- Compute the Trace
- Normalize or not
# kernel matrices
K_x = RBF(sigma_x)(inputs.X)
K_y = RBF(sigma_y)(inputs.Y)
# center the kernel matrices
from sklearn.preprocessing import KernelCenterer
K_xc = KernelCenterer().fit_transform(K_x)
K_yc = KernelCenterer().fit_transform(K_y)
# Compute the Trace
hsic_score = np.sum(K_xc * K_yc)
print('HSIC:', (1 / K_xc.shape[0]**2) * hsic_score)
# normalize by the norm
cka_score = hsic_score / np.linalg.norm(K_xc, ord='fro') / np.linalg.norm(K_yc, ord='fro')
print('CKA:', cka_score)
# Kernel Alignment, no centering
ka_score = np.sum(K_x * K_y) / np.linalg.norm(K_x, ord='fro') / np.linalg.norm(K_y, ord='fro')
print('KA:', ka_score)
I already created a more complete function.
from models.dependence import HSICModel
hsic_clf = HSICModel(
# hsic score
hsic_score_ = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, 'hsic')
print('HSIC:', hsic_score_)
# cka score
cka_score_ = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, 'cka')
print('HSIC:', cka_score_)
# ka score
ka_score_ = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, 'ka')
print('HSIC:', ka_score_)
Different Sigma Configurations¶
So now, let's see how the scores change depending on how we estimate the sigma parameter. We're going to use a combination of the following scenarios:
- HSIC Scorer - HSIC, KA, CKA
- Estimator - Scott, Silverman, Median, Mean, Median Kth (15% samples)
- Sigma Config - Single, Per Dataset, Per Dataset+Dimension
So let's gather all parameter combinations.
parameters = {
'scorer': ['hsic', 'cka', 'ka'],
'estimator': [
('median', 15),
('median', None),
('mean', None),
'per_dataset': [True, False],
'per_dimension': [True, False]
from experiments.utils import dict_product, run_parallel_step
# create a list of all param combinations
parameters_list = list(dict_product(parameters))
n_params= len(parameters_list)
print('# of Params:', n_params)
results = list()
for iparams in parameters_list:
# 0. Estimate sigma
f_x = lambda x: sigma_estimate(
# ========================
# Per Dimension
# ========================
if iparams['per_dimension']:
sigma_X = [f_x(ifeature.reshape(-1, 1)) for ifeature in inputs.X.T]
sigma_Y = [f_x(ifeature.reshape(-1, 1)) for ifeature in inputs.Y.T]
sigma_X = f_x(inputs.X)
sigma_Y = f_x(inputs.Y)
# =========================
# Per Dataset
# =========================
if not iparams['per_dataset']:
sigma_X = np.mean([sigma_X, sigma_Y])
sigma_Y = np.copy(sigma_X)
# =========================
# Estimate HSIC
# =========================
hsic_clf = HSICModel(
score = hsic_clf.get_score(inputs.X, inputs.Y, iparams['scorer'])
# Save Data
'score': [score],
'scorer': [iparams['scorer']],
'estimator': [iparams['estimator']],
'sigma_Y': [sigma_Y],
'sigma_X': [sigma_X],
'per_dimension': [iparams['per_dimension']],
'per_dataset': [iparams['per_dataset']],
results_df = pd.concat(results)