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  • Interpolation
  • Extrapolation, X-Casting
  • Variable Transformation
  • Feature Representation
  • Operator Learning


This is when everything is inside the convex hull of a spatial domain and the period of observations. From a spatial perspective, if we can draw a straight-line between the a query point of interest and two other reference points, then I would consider it an interpolation problem.


  • Weather Stations Extremes
  • SST <--> SSH
  • MODIS <--> GOES <--> MSG



This is the exclusive case when we are trying to predict outside of the period of interest.

  • HindCasting, t0τt0 - \tau
  • NowCasting, T+τT + \tau
  • ForeCasting, T+τT+\tau
  • Climate Projections, T+τT+\tau,

Variable Transformation


  • SST --> SSH
  • Satellite Instrument - 2 - Satellite Instrument

Feature Representation

Sunset at the beach

Figure 1:A Model from DOFA whereby they train their model on different modalities for Remote sensing data. Source: GitHub | Paper (arxiv)

This is also known as Representation Learning, Foundational Models

Encoder:z=Te(y,θ)Decoder:y=Td(z,θ)\begin{aligned} \text{Encoder}: && && \mathbf{z} &= \boldsymbol{T}_e\left(\mathbf{y},\boldsymbol{\theta} \right) \\ \text{Decoder}: && && \mathbf{y} &= \boldsymbol{T}_d\left(\mathbf{z},\boldsymbol{\theta} \right) \\ \end{aligned}


  • Data Augmentation, e.g., Small-Medium Perturbations
  • Masking


  • AutoEncoders
  • Bijective, Surjective, Stochastic
  • ROM -> AutoEncoders
  • Linear ROM -> PCA/EOF/POD/SVD, ProbPCA
  • Simple -> Flow Model
  • MultiScale -> U-Net

Operator Learning

Now, we have broken each of the different problem categories into different subtopics. However, we can easily have a case whereby we have each a single problem category or a combination of all problem categories. There is an umbrella term which encompasses all of the aforementioned stuff.

Variable I:X:ΩX×TXXVariable II:Y:ΩY×TYY\begin{aligned} \text{Variable I}: && && \mathcal{X}:\Omega_X\times\mathcal{T}_X\rightarrow\mathcal{X} \\ \text{Variable II}: && && \mathcal{Y}:\Omega_Y\times\mathcal{T}_Y\rightarrow\mathcal{Y} \\ \end{aligned}

Now, we wish to learn some.

F:X×ΘY\mathcal{F}: \mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{\Theta} \rightarrow \mathcal{Y}

Normally, we can break this into steps. This is also known as lift and learn.

Encoder:Te:{X:ΩX,TX}{ZX:ΩZ,TZ}Latent Space Transformation:Fz:{ZX:ΩZ,TZ}{ZY:ΩZ,TZ}Decoder:Td:{Z:ΩZ,TZ}{Y:ΩY,TY}\begin{aligned} \text{Encoder}: && && T_e &: \left\{\mathcal{X}:\Omega_X,\mathcal{T}_X \right\} \rightarrow \left\{\mathcal{Z}_X:\Omega_{Z},\mathcal{T}_{Z} \right\} \\ \text{Latent Space Transformation}: && && F_z &: \left\{\mathcal{Z}_X:\Omega_Z,\mathcal{T}_Z \right\} \rightarrow \left\{\mathcal{Z}_Y:\Omega_Z,\mathcal{T}_Z \right\} \\ \text{Decoder}: && && T_d &: \left\{\mathcal{Z}:\Omega_Z,\mathcal{T}_Z \right\} \rightarrow \left\{\mathcal{Y}:\Omega_Y,\mathcal{T}_Y \right\} \end{aligned}
  1. Learn a good representation network which encodes our data from an infinite domain into a finite latent domain.
  2. Do the computations in finite dimensional space.
  3. Learn a reconstruction function from the finite dimensional latent domain to another infinite dimensional domain.


  • Unstructured <--> Irregular, e.g. CloudSAT + MODIS
  • Irregular <--> Regular, e.g., AlongTrack + Grid
  • Regular <--> Regular, e.g., GeoStationary I + GeoStationary II