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Learning vs Estimation Example - Density Estimation



For example, let’s say I want to see if I can model temperature. In other words, I want to find the best parameters given I assume there is some model that can do this for me.

Temperature=Model(Parameters) \text{Temperature} = \text{Model}\left(\text{Parameters}\right)

The model could be a statistical model or a physics-based model. It’s most likely that it is a statistical model because temperature in a vacuum without any observations is a hard thing to draw any physical conclusions. However, I don’t really know the model or the parameters of the model. So I need to get some observations of temperature and humidity

Data={Temperature} \text{Data} = \left\{ \text{Temperature}\right\}

I - Learning Problem


Let’s say that I want to model the joint distribution of Temperature. First, I need to collect some observations of temperature

Data:D={yn}n=1N\begin{aligned} \text{Data}: && && \mathcal{D} &= \{ y_n \}_{n=1}^N \end{aligned}
# get data
y: Vector["N"] = get_data(...)


Now, I assume a model. Let’s assume that I can perfectly model my temperature observations via a Gaussian distribution.

Model:y=μ+ε,εN(0,σ2)\begin{aligned} \text{Model}: && && y &= \mu + \varepsilon, && \varepsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{aligned}

Now, to translate this into a probabilistic interpretation, we can write this as a likelihood.

def model(params) -> Model:
    # extract parameters
    mu, sigma = params["mu"], params["sigma"]
    # initialize Gaussian
    model = Gaussian(mu, sigma)
    return model
Data Likelihood:yp(yθ)=N(yμ,σ2)\begin{aligned} \text{Data Likelihood}: && && y &\sim p(y|\theta) =\mathcal{N}(y|\mu,\sigma^2) \end{aligned}

So in this case, we see that our parameters are the mean and standard deviation

θ={μ,σ}\theta = \left\{\mu, \sigma \right\}

Now, we can also put a prior on the parameters

θUniform[,]\theta \sim \text{Uniform}[-\infty,\infty]
Joint Distribution:p(y,θ)=p(yθ)p(θ)Posterior:p(θD)p(yθ)p(θ)\begin{aligned} \text{Joint Distribution}: && && p(y,\theta) &= p(y|\theta)p(\theta) \\ \text{Posterior}: && && p(\theta|\mathcal{D}) &\propto p(y|\theta)p(\theta) \end{aligned}


To get a criteria, there is a general form that one could use. However, we will be Bayesian about it. We are interested in the posterior, i.e., we want the best parameters given our data.

Posterior:p(θD)p(yθ)p(θ)=exp(L(θ;y)) \begin{aligned} \text{Posterior}: && && p(\theta|\mathcal{D}) &\propto p(y|\theta)p(\theta)=\exp(-L(\theta;y)) \end{aligned}

Because we are in Bayesian territory, we can use the MLE estimation

Objective Function:logp(θD)=L(θ;y)=p(yθ)+p(θ)\begin{aligned} \text{Objective Function}: && && \log p(\theta|\mathcal{D}) &= -L(\theta;y) = p(y|\theta) + p(\theta) \end{aligned}
def objective_fn(params: PyTree, y: Vector["N"]) -> Scalar:
    # initialize model
    model = initialize_model(params)
    # calculate log probability from observations
    loss = log_probability(model, y)
    # return loss
    return loss

Inference Method

Now we can minimize our objective

Objective:θ=argminθL(θ;y)\begin{aligned} \text{Objective}: && && \theta^* &= \underset{\theta}{\text{argmin}} \hspace{2mm} L(\theta;y) \end{aligned}
# initialize parameters
params_init: PyTree = ...
num_iterations: int = 1_000
# optimize parameters
params = minimize_objective(

II - Estimation Problem


Now, let’s say we get some new observations of temperature

New Data:D={yn}n=1Ntest \begin{aligned} \text{New Data}: && && \mathcal{D}' &= \left\{y_n'\right\}_{n=1}^{N_{test}} \end{aligned}


So in this case, I believe that the new parameters is some new combination of the older parameters. So I’m effectively looking for the change in parameters.

up(uθ)u \sim p(u|\theta)


Now, we are interested in estimating

Objective:θ=argminθJ(θ;y)Objective Function:J(θ;y)=p(yθ)p(θ)=p(yθ)p(θD) \begin{aligned} \text{Objective}: && && \theta^* &= \underset{\theta}{\text{argmin}} \hspace{2mm} J(\theta;y)\\ \text{Objective Function}: && && J(\theta;y) &= p(y|\theta)p(\theta) = p(y|\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{D}) \end{aligned}

Inference Method

To keep things simple, I will use some optimization method which simply minimizes the objective function.

# initialize parameters
params_init: PyTree = params
num_iterations: int = 1_000
# optimize parameters
params = minimize_objective(