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Filtering EO Data


This is my quick start guide to filtering Earth Observation data. Filtering is a very useful tool. It can be used for smoothing which can remove high-frequency or low frequency signals. It can also be used to calculate min-max-mean values of a window of data. The unique thing about EO data is that we have spatiotemporal data. So this implies that we will have to often decide whether we want to apply the filter operation along the spatial axis and/or the temporal axis.


Most filtering operations are special cases of convolutions.

Convolution Operator:yˉ(x)=(fy)(x)Continuous Convolution:=y(τ)f(xτ)dτDiscrete Convolution:=m=y(m)f(nm)\begin{aligned} \text{Convolution Operator}: && && \boldsymbol{\bar{y}}{(\mathbf{x})} &= (\boldsymbol{f} \circledast \boldsymbol{y})(\mathbf{x}) \\ \text{Continuous Convolution}: && && &= \int_{-\infty}^\infty \boldsymbol{y}(\tau)\boldsymbol{f}(\mathbf{x}-\tau)d\tau \\ \text{Discrete Convolution}: && && &= \sum_{m=-\infty}^\infty \boldsymbol{y}(m)\boldsymbol{f}(n-m) \end{aligned}

Essentially, this is:

  1. an element-wise multiplication of data points with filter coefficients.
  2. Performing a mathematical operation on the weighted points within a window.

This is equivalent to the dot product of two vectors, where one vector is the data points within a window and the other vector is the filter coefficients.

From Scratch

We can write some basic pseudo-code for filtering. We can use some basic filtering

# define kernel operator
kernel_size = (5,)
stride = (1,)
@kex.kmap(kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride)
def filter_all(u: Float[Array, "... Nt"]):
    return jnp.average(u)

We can use some more advanced filtering methods.


We can use xarray to compute the rolling mean

See docs for more detailed examples.

# initialize data
data: Float[Array, "Nt"] = np.linspace(0, 11, num=12)
coords: pd.DateRange = pd.date_range("1999-12-15", periods=12, freq=pd.DateOffset(months=1))

# create an xarray dataarray
da: xr.DataArray = xr.DataArray(data, coords, dims="time")

# compute rolling mean over 5 day window
time_window: int = 5 # 5 Days
da: xr.DataArray = da.rolling(time=5, center=True).mean()

# (Optional) Remove NANS from end-points
da: xr.DataArray = da.dropna("time")


There is another package called gcm-filters which is a convenient wrap-around the xarray.Dataset. They feature many more advanced filters which take into account things like masks and curvilinear grids.