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Let's consider that we have the following relationship.

y = f(\mathbf{x}) + \epsilon_y

Let's assume we have inputs with an additive noise term \epsilon_y and let's assume that it is Gaussian distributed, \epsilon_y \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_y^2). In this setting, we are not considering any input noise.


Given some training data \mathbf{X},y, we are interested in the Bayesian formulation:

p(f| \mathbf{X},y) = \frac{\color{blue}{p(y| f, \mathbf{X})} \,\color{darkgreen}{p(f)}}{\color{red}{ p(y| \mathbf{X}) }}

where we have:

  • GP Prior, \color{darkgreen}{p(f) = \mathcal{GP}(m, k)}

We specify a mean function, m and a covariance function k.

  • Likelihood, \color{blue}{ p(y| f, \mathbf{X}) = \mathcal{N}(f(\mathbf{X}), \sigma_y^2\mathbf{I}) }

which describes the dataset

  • Marginal Likelihood, \color{red}{ p(y| \mathbf{X}) = \int_f p(y|f, \mathbf{X}) \, p(f|\mathbf{X}) \, df }

  • Posterior, p(f| \mathbf{X},y) = \mathcal{GP}(\mu_\text{GP}, \nu^2_\text{GP})

And the predictive functions \mu_{GP} and \nu^2_{GP} are:

\begin{aligned} \mu_\text{GP}(\mathbf{x_*}) &= k(\mathbf{x_*}) \, \mathbf{K}_{GP}^{-1}y=k(\mathbf{x_*}) \, \alpha \\ \nu^2_\text{GP}(\mathbf{x_*}) &= k(\mathbf{x_*}, \mathbf{x_*}) - k(\mathbf{x_*}) \,\mathbf{K}_{GP}^{-1} \, k(\mathbf{x_*})^{\top} \end{aligned}

where \mathbf{K}_\text{GP}=k(\mathbf{x,x}) + \sigma_y^2 \mathbf{I}.


First, let's look at the joint distribution:


Deterministic Inputs

In this integral, we don't need to propagate a distribution through the GP function. So it should be the standard and we only have to integrate our the function f and condition on our inputs \mathbf{X}.

\begin{aligned} p(\mathbf{Y|X}) &= \int_f p(\mathbf{Y,F|X})\,df \\ &= \int_f p(\mathbf{Y|F}) \, p(\mathbf{F|X})\, df \end{aligned}

This is a known quantity where we have a closed-form solution to this:

p(\mathbf{Y|X}) = \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{Y}|\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{K}+ \sigma_y^2 \mathbf{I})

Probabilistic Inputs

In this integral, we can no longer condition on the X's as they have a probabilistic function. So now we need to integrate them out in addition to the f's.

\begin{aligned} p(\mathbf{Y}) &= \int_f p(\mathbf{Y,F,X})\,df \\ &= \int_f p(\mathbf{Y|F}) \, p(\mathbf{F|X})\, p(\mathbf{X}) \, df \end{aligned}

Variational GP Models

Posterior Distribution: p(\mathbf{Y|X}) = \int_{\mathcal F} p(\mathbf{Y|F}) p(\mathbf{F|X}) d\mathbf{F}

Derive the Lower Bound (w/ Jensens Inequality):

\log p(Y|X) = \log \int_{\mathcal F} p(Y|F) P(F|X) dF

importance sampling/identity trick

= \log \int_{\mathcal F} p(Y|F) P(F|X) \frac{q(F)}{q(F)}dF

rearrange to isolate: p(Y|F) and shorten notation to \langle \cdot \rangle_{q(F)}.

= \log \left\langle \frac{p(Y|F)p(F|X)}{q(F)} \right\rangle_{q(F)}

Jensens inequality

\geq \left\langle \log \frac{p(Y|F)p(F|X)}{q(F)} \right\rangle_{q(F)}

Split the logs

\geq \left\langle \log p(Y|F) + \log \frac{p(F|X)}{q(F)} \right\rangle_{q(F)}

collect terms

\mathcal{L}_{1}(q)=\left\langle \log p(Y|F)\right\rangle_{q(F)} - D_{KL} \left( q(F) || p(F|X)\right)

Sparse GP Models

Let's build up the GP model from the variational inference perspective. We have the same GP prior as the standard GP regression model:

\mathcal{P}(f) \sim \mathcal{GP}\left(\mathbf m_\theta, \mathbf K_\theta \right)

We have the same GP likelihood which stems from the relationship between the inputs and the outputs:

y = f(\mathbf x) + \epsilon_y
p(y|f, \mathbf{x}) = \prod_{i=1}^{N}\mathcal{P}\left(y_i| f(\mathbf x_i) \right) \sim \mathcal{N}(f, \sigma_y^2\mathbf I)

Now we just need an variational approximation to the GP posterior:

q(f(\cdot)) = \mathcal{GP}\left( \mu_\text{GP}(\cdot), \nu^2_\text{GP}(\cdot, \cdot) \right)

where q(f) \approx \mathcal{P}(f|y, \mathbf X).

\mu and \nu^2 are functions that depend on the augmented space \mathbf Z and possibly other parameters. Now, we can actually choose any \mu and \nu^2 that we want. Typically people pick this to be Gaussian distributed which is augmented by some variable space \mathcal{Z} with kernel functions to move us between spaces by a joint distribution; for example:

\mu(\mathbf x) = \mathbf k(\mathbf{x, Z})\mathbf{k(Z,Z)}^{-1}\mathbf m$$ $$\nu^2(\mathbf x) = \mathbf k(\mathbf{x,x}) - \mathbf k(\mathbf{x, Z})\left( \mathbf{k(Z,Z)}^{-1} - \mathbf{k(Z,Z)}^{-1} \Sigma \mathbf{k(Z,Z)}^{-1}\right)\mathbf k(\mathbf{x, Z})^{-1}

where \theta = \{ \mathbf{Z, m_z, \Sigma_z} \} are all variational parameters. This formulation above is just the end result of using augmented values by using variational compression (see here for more details). In the end, all of these variables can be adjusted to reduce the KL divergence criteria KL\left[ q(f)||\mathcal{P}(f|y, \mathbf X)\right].

There are some advantages to the approximate-prior approach for example:

  • The approximation is non-parametric and mimics the true posterior.
  • As the number of inducing points grow, we arrive closer to the real distribution
  • The pseudo-points \mathbf Z and the amount are also parameters which can protect us from overfitting.
  • The predictions are clear as we just need to evaluate the approximate GP posterior.


  • Sparse GPs: Approximate the Posterior, Not the Model - James Hensman (2017) - blog