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My Resources


I use python as my primary programming language and I have tried to really make use of what the community has to offer to help me with my tasks. I do things from scratch in the beginning but then I heavily refactor and prefer to use popular, up-to-date libraries with well-tested code. I mostly work with machine learning

Gaussian Processes

I have worked extensively with Gaussian processes (GPs) and I have also done quite a lot of research on the literature and software side of most modern GPs.I have a detailed webpage where I outline some of the most modern Gaussian processs.


I also work a lot with Gaussian process regression and how they deal with uncertainty. In this setting, I have looked specifically at what happens when we want to propagate uncertainty from the inputs through the GP function through training and/or predictions. I have had some success with this but the literature was very scattered when I first started. So I decided to
