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Normalizing Flows

Density Destructor

We can view the approach of modeling from two perspectives: constructive or destructive. A constructive process tries to learn how to build an exact sequence of transformations to go from z to x. The destructive process does the complete opposite and decides to create a sequence of transforms from x to z while also remembering the exact transforms; enabling it to reverse that sequence of transforms.

We can write some equations to illustrate exactly what we mean by these two terms. Let's define two spaces: one is our data space \mathcal X and the other is the base space \mathcal Z. We want to learn a transformation f_\theta that maps us from \mathcal X to \mathcal Z, f : \mathcal X \rightarrow \mathcal Z. We also want a function G_\theta that maps us from \mathcal Z to \mathcal X, f : \mathcal Z \rightarrow \mathcal X.

TODO: Plot

More concretely, let's define the following pair of equations:

z \sim \mathcal{P}_\mathcal{Z}$$ $$\hat x = \mathcal G_\theta (z)

This is called the generative step; how well do we fit our parameters such that x \approx \hat x. We can define the alternative step below:

x \sim \mathcal{P}_\mathcal{X}$$ $$\hat z = \mathcal f_\theta (x)

This is called the inference step: how well do we fit the parameters of our transformation f_\theta s.t. z \approx \hat z. So there are immediately some things to notice about this. Depending on the method you use in the deep learning community, the functions \mathcal G_\theta and f_\theta can be defined differently. Typically we are looking at the class of algorithms where we want f_\theta = \mathcal G_\theta^{-1}. In this ideal scenario, we only need to learn one transformation instead of two. With this requirement, we can actually compute the likelihood values exactly. The likelihood of the value x given the transformation \mathcal G_\theta is given as:

\mathcal P_{\hat x}(x)=\mathcal P_{z} \left( \mathcal G_\theta (x) \right)\left| \text{det } \mathbf J_{\mathcal G_\theta} \right|

Survey of Literature

Code Tutorials

  • Building Prob Dist with TF Probability Bijector API - Blog