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Using Jupyter Notebooks for VSCode Remote Computing

In this tutorial, I will quickly be going over how one can open up a Jupyter Notebook in VSCode from one that has been activated on a slurm server through an interactive node.

1. Connect to the server via VSCode

2. Connect to an interactive node

Try to use something explicit like the following command:

srun --nodes=1  --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=28 --time 100:00:00 --exclude=nodo17 --job-name bash-jupyter --pty bash -i

3. Start a Jupyter Notebook

conda activate jupyterlab
jupyter notebook --ip localhost --port 3001 --no-browser

4. Open Jupyter Notebook in VSCode

At this point, something should pop up asking you if you would like to enter a token or your password for your notebook.