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Extreme Value Modeling Evaluation



Negative Log-Likelihood

L(θ)=n=1Nlogp(ynθn)\boldsymbol{L}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \sum_{n=1}^N\log p(y_n|\boldsymbol{\theta}_n)


Akaike Information Criteria (AIC)

AIC=2K2L(θ)AIC = 2K - 2\boldsymbol{L}(\boldsymbol{\theta})

where KK is the number of parameters of the statistical model and NLLNLL is the maximized log-likelihood.


Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC)

BIC=KlogN2L(θ)BIC = K \cdot \log N - 2 \boldsymbol{L}(\boldsymbol{\theta})

where NN is the sample size.

Empirical Fit

P-P Plot

Random image of the beach or ocean!

Figure 1:Example of p-p plot from wikipedia. [Source: Wikipedia]

This is also known as the probability-probability plot, the percent-percent plot, or the p-value plot. It is used for assessing how closely two datasets agree and/or the residuals. See wiki for more details.

Note: this plot only works when we have the theoretical cumulative distribution.

Q-Q Plot

Random image of the beach or ocean!

Figure 1:Example of Q-Q plot from wikipedia. [Source: Wikipedia]

This is the quantile-quantile plot. This is a graphical tool to compare two probability distributions by comparing their quantiles versus one another. See wiki for more details.


Return Period

We can extrapolate an distribution by computing the pp-return level (see blog). This represents the high quantile for which the probability that the maximym exceeds this quantile is 1/p1/p. This concept is known as the return period. The return period of a particular event is the inverse probability that the event will be exceeded in any given year. For example, the pp-year return level is associated with a return period of pp years. The 1/p1/p return level is the 1p1-p quantile of an arbitrary quantile function for a distribution.(Mahmoudian & Mahammadzadeh, 2014).

To compute the return level of ypy_p s.t. the distribution, Quantile(p)=1p\text{Quantile}(p)=1-p. We can solve for pp which results in the following formula.

Distribution(yp)=1pyp=Distribution1(1p)=Quantile(1p) \begin{aligned} \text{Distribution}(y_p) &= 1 - p\\ y_p &= \text{Distribution}^{-1}(1-p)=\text{Quantile}(1-p) \end{aligned}
Random image of the beach or ocean!

Figure 1:Example of return period for temperature. [Source: MetOffice]

This is also known as the recurrence interval or repeat interval which is an average time or an estimated average time between events. In the case of extreme events, these can include floods, heatwaves, or droughts. See wiki for more details.

Mean Excess Function

E(YuY>u=σuuξ1ξ)\mathbb{E}(Y - u|Y>u = \frac{\sigma_u - u\xi}{1 - \xi})

where the scale parameter, σu\sigma_u, varies linearly in the threshold uu and the shape parameter ξ is fixed wrt the threshold uu.

Expected Shortfall

Ultimately, the goal of EVT is to compute the value at risk. We can derive the expected shortfall (conditional rv).

yp=μσξ[1(NNμ(1p))ξ] y_p = \mu - \frac{\sigma}{\xi}\left[ 1 - \left(\frac{N}{N_\mu} (1 - p) \right)^{-\xi} \right]


  • ypy_p - the random variable
  • μ - the threshold (in percentage terms)
  • NN - number of observations
  • NμN_\mu - # of observations that exceed the threshold

We can define the expected shortfall (ES) as:

ES=yp1ξ+σξμ1ξ \text{ES} = \frac{y_p}{1 -\xi} + \frac{\sigma - \xi\mu}{1 - \xi}
  1. Mahmoudian, B., & Mohammadzadeh, M. (2014). A spatio-temporal dynamic regression model for extreme wind speeds. Extremes, 17(2), 221–245. 10.1007/s10687-014-0180-2