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Generalized Pareto Distribution


This is a location-scale family distribution.


Location:y0RScale:σR+Shape:κR\begin{aligned} \text{Location}: && && y_0 &\in \mathbb{R} \\ \text{Scale}: && && \sigma &\in \mathbb{R}^+ \\ \text{Shape}: && && \kappa &\in \mathbb{R} \\ \end{aligned}


We can interpret the shape parameters as follows:

κ=0\kappa=0. This corresponds to a type 1, short tail distribution with exponential decay.

κ>0\kappa>0. This corresponds to a type 2, heavy tail distribution with a slow power-law decay.

κ<0\kappa<0. This corresponds to a type 3, thin-tailed, polynomial decay with a finite upper bound.

Probability Density Function

This is denoted as the probability that our rv YY will be equivalent to some specific value, yy, conditioned on the fact that our values are greater than some threshold y0y_0.

p(Y=yyy0):=f(y;θ)p(Y=y|y\geq y_0) := f(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})

We can define the probability density function as

f(y;θ)=1σ[1+κ(yμσ)]+1κ1\begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{f}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{1}{\sigma}\left[ 1 + \kappa \left( \frac{y-\mu}{\sigma} \right)\right]^{-\frac{1}{\kappa} - 1}_+ \end{aligned}

where a+=max(a,0)a_+=\text{max}(a,0).

Cumulative Distribution Function

This is denoted as the probability that our rv YY will be less than or equal to some specific value yy conditioned on the fact that our values are greater than some threshold y0y_0.

p(Yyyy0):=F(y;θ)p(Y\leq y|y\geq y_0) := F(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})

We can define the cumulative density function is defined as:

F(y;θ)={1[1+κ(yμσ)]1/κ,κ01exp(yμσ),κ=0\boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \begin{cases} 1 - \left[ 1 + \kappa \left( \frac{y-\mu}{\sigma} \right)\right]^{-1/\kappa} , && \kappa\neq 0 \\ 1 - \exp\left(-\frac{y-\mu}{\sigma}\right), && \kappa=0 \end{cases}

Survival Function

This is the exceedence probability of YY above some value yy. However, in this case, this probability is conditioned on the probability of a threshold value, y0y_0.

S(y):=p(Y>yY>y0)=1p(YyY>y0)\boldsymbol{S}(y):= p(Y>y|Y>y_0) = 1 - p(Y\leq y|Y>y_0)

We denote as the survival function of the GPD. This is simply 1 minus the CDF of the GPD given as:

S(y;θ)=1F(y;θ)\boldsymbol{S}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta}) = 1 - \boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})

We can plug in the CDF function into this equation defined as:

S(y;θ)={[1+κ(yμσ)]1κ,κ0exp(yμσ),κ=0\boldsymbol{S}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \begin{cases} \left[ 1 + \kappa \left( \frac{y-\mu}{\sigma} \right)\right]^{-\frac{1}{\kappa}}, && \kappa\neq 0 \\ \exp\left(-\frac{y-\mu}{\sigma}\right), && \kappa=0 \end{cases}

Quantile Function

This is also known as the Point-Percentile-Function or the inverse CDF. This function maps an input threshold, y0y_0, to a value yy st the probability of YY being less than or equal to yy is ypy_p.

yp=F(y;θ)y_p = \boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})

We can take the inverse of this function to see that it is the inverse CDF which we denote as the quantile function.

yp=F1(yp;θ):=Q(yp;θ)y_p = \boldsymbol{F}^{-1}(y_p;\boldsymbol{\theta}) := \boldsymbol{Q}(y_p;\boldsymbol{\theta})

where yp[0,1]y_p\in[0,1] is the data within the probability transform domain. These can be computed in closed form

Q(yp)={y0+σκ[(1yp)κ1],κ0y0σlog(1yp),κ=0\boldsymbol{Q}(y_p) = \begin{cases} y_0 + \frac{\sigma}{\kappa} \left[ (1 - y_p)^{-\kappa} - 1 \right], && \kappa \neq 0 \\ y_0 - \sigma \log (1 - y_p), && \kappa = 0 \end{cases}

Inverse Survival Function

The inverse survival function maps the input value ysy_s to some probability value ypy_p which represents the probability that there is some value greater than said input value.

ys=Pr[Y>yp]y_s = Pr[Y> y_p]

So recall the survival function is the negative of the CDF. This implies that the inverse survival function is the negative of the quantile function.

yp=S(y;θ)=1F(y;θ)y_p = \boldsymbol{S}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta}) = 1 - \boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})

We can take the inverse of this function to see that it is the inverse CDF which we denote as the quantile function.

yp=S1(ys;θ):=Q(ys;θ)y_p = \boldsymbol{S}^{-1}(y_s;\boldsymbol{\theta}) := \boldsymbol{Q}(y_s;\boldsymbol{\theta})

where ys[0,1]y_s\in[0,1] is the survival probability within the probability transform domain. These can be computed in closed form

Q1(ys)={y0+σκ[ysκ1],κ0y0σlogyp,κ=0\boldsymbol{Q}^{-1}(y_s) = \begin{cases} y_0 + \frac{\sigma}{\kappa} \left[ y_s^{-\kappa} - 1 \right], && \kappa \neq 0 \\ y_0 - \sigma \log y_p, && \kappa = 0 \end{cases}

where ys=1ypy_s=1-y_p is the survival probability.

Joint Distribution

We can write the likelihood that the observations, yy, follow the GEVD distribution. So, given some observations, D={yn}n=1N\mathcal{D}=\{y_n\}_{n=1}^{N}, which we believe follow the GEVD distribution, we can write the joint distribution decomposition as

p(y1:N>y0,y>y0,θ)=p(θ)n=1Np(ynyn>y0,θ)p(yn>y0θ)p(y_{1:N}>y_0, y>y_0,\boldsymbol{\theta}) = p(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \prod_{n=1}^N p(y_n|y_n>y_0,\boldsymbol{\theta})p(y_n>y_0|\boldsymbol{\theta})

This implies that the global prior parameters come from some distribution

θp(θ)\boldsymbol{\theta} \sim p(\boldsymbol{\theta})

and that these parameters get passed through our data likelihood term

ynp(yθ)y_n \sim p(y|\boldsymbol{\theta})

Log Probability

Let’s say we are given some samples.

D={yn}n=1N\mathcal{D} = \left\{ y_n\right\}_{n=1}^N

where NN are the number of exceedances above our threshold, y0y_0. Recall the GPD PDF for our iid samples is

p(y1:Nθ)=n=1N1σ[1+κ(yny0σ)]+1κ1p(y_{1:N}|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \prod_{n=1}^N \frac{1}{\sigma}\left[ 1 + \kappa \left( \frac{y_n-y_0}{\sigma} \right)\right]^{-\frac{1}{\kappa} - 1}_+

We can add the log term to get

logp(y1:Nθ)=n=1Nlog[1+κ(yny0σ)]+1κ1\log p(\boldsymbol{y}_{1:N}|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \sum_{n=1}^N \log \left[ 1 + \kappa \left( \frac{y_n-y_0}{\sigma} \right)\right]^{-\frac{1}{\kappa} - 1}_+

which reduces to

logp(y1:Nθ)=Nlogσ(1+1/κ)n=1Nlog[1+κzn]+\log p(\boldsymbol{y}_{1:N}|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = - N \log \sigma - (1+1/\kappa)\sum_{n=1}^N \log \left[ 1 + \kappa z_n\right]_+

where zn=(yny0)/σz_n=(y_n - y_0)/\sigma and [1+κzn]+=max(1+κzn,0)[1 + \kappa z_n]_+ = \text{max}(1 + \kappa z_n,0).

Return Period

We can calculate the RP using equation (8).

RT=Pr[Y>yY>y0]Pr[Y>y0]R_T = Pr[Y>y|Y>y_0]Pr[Y>y_0]

We assume that the occurrence of events over the threshold, y0y_0, is given by the Poisson process.

λp=Pr[Y>y0]\lambda_p = Pr[Y>y_0]

We can calculate the RP using equation (8). Practically, we set this to the survival function of the GEVD (equation ).

1/TR=λpS(y;θ)=λp(1F(y;θ))1/T_R = \lambda_p\boldsymbol{S}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})= \lambda_p\left(1-\boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})\right)

If we rearrange this equation, we get

yp:=F(y;θ)=11/(λpTR)y_p := \boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta}) = 1 - 1 / (\lambda_p T_R)

To make things simpler, we can simply use the quantile function in equation (11) and set the probability to

yp=11/(λpTR)y_p = 1 - 1 / (\lambda_p T_R)

However, if we expand this out, we get

y={y0+σκ[(λpTR)κ1],κ0y0+σlog(λpTR),κ=0y = \begin{cases} y_0 + \frac{\sigma}{\kappa} \left[ (\lambda_p T_R)^{\kappa} - 1 \right], && \kappa \neq 0 \\ y_0 + \sigma \log (\lambda_p T_R), && \kappa = 0 \end{cases}

Average Recurrence Interval

We can calculate the RP using equation (14).

exp(1/Tˉ)=exp(Pr[Y>yY>y0]Pr[Y>y0])\exp(-1/\bar{T}) = \exp\left( -Pr[Y>y|Y>y_0]Pr[Y>y_0] \right)

Removing the exponential components, we are left with

1/Tˉ=Pr[Y>yY>y0]Pr[Y>y0]1/\bar{T} = Pr[Y>y|Y>y_0]Pr[Y>y_0]

We assume that the occurrence of events over the threshold, y0y_0, is given by the Poisson process.

λp=Pr[Y>y0]\lambda_p = Pr[Y>y_0]

We can calculate the RP using equation (14). Practically, we set this to the survival function of the GEVD (equation ).

1/Tˉ=λpS(y;θ)=λp(1F(y;θ))1/\bar{T} = \lambda_p\boldsymbol{S}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})= \lambda_p\left(1-\boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta})\right)

If we rearrange this equation, we get

yp:=F(y;θ)=11/(λpTR)y_p := \boldsymbol{F}(y;\boldsymbol{\theta}) = 1 - 1 / (\lambda_p T_R)

To make things simpler, we can simply use the quantile function in equation (11) and set the probability to

yp=11/(λpTˉ)y_p = 1 - 1 / (\lambda_p \bar{T})

However, if we expand this out, we get

y={y0+σκ[(λpTˉ)κ1],κ0y0+σlog(λpTˉ),κ=0y = \begin{cases} y_0 + \frac{\sigma}{\kappa} \left[ (\lambda_p \bar{T})^{\kappa} - 1 \right], && \kappa \neq 0 \\ y_0 + \sigma \log (\lambda_p \bar{T}), && \kappa = 0 \end{cases}


In this instance, we are assuming that there is a threshold parameter, y0y_0. We can write the reparameterization of the GPD in terms of the GEV distribution

μy0=μ+σκ(1λy0κ)σy0=σλy0κκ0μy0=μσlnλy0σy0=σλy0κκ=0\begin{aligned} \mu_{y_0} &= \mu + \frac{\sigma}{\kappa}\left(1 - \lambda_{y_0}^{\kappa} \right) && && \sigma_{y_0} =\sigma\lambda_{y_0}^{\kappa} && && \kappa\neq0 \\ \mu_{y_0} &= \mu - \sigma\ln\lambda_{y_0} && && \sigma_{y_0} =\sigma\lambda_{y_0}^{\kappa} && && \kappa=0 \\ \end{aligned}

We can also re-parameterize the λy0\lambda_{y_0} in terms of the GPD and GEV parameters.

λy0=log[1+κz]1κ,z=(yμy0)/σσy0=σ+κ(yμy0)κy0=κ\begin{aligned} \lambda_{y_0} &= \log \left[ 1 + \kappa z \right]^{- \frac{1}{\kappa}}, && && z = (y - \mu_{y_0})/\sigma \\ \sigma_{y_0} &=\sigma + \kappa(y - \mu_{y_0}) \\ \kappa_{y_0} &= \kappa \end{aligned}

Lastly, we can do something similar like so

logλ=1κln[1+κy0μσ]σy0=σ+κ(y0μ)κy0=κ\begin{aligned} \log\lambda &= - \frac{1}{\kappa}\ln \left[ 1 + \kappa \frac{y_0 - \mu}{\sigma} \right] \\ \sigma_{y_0} &=\sigma + \kappa(y_0 - \mu) \\ \kappa_{y_0} &= \kappa \end{aligned}

There has also been a similar reparameterization found in

λ=1exp{h[1+κ(y0μ)/σ]1/κ}\lambda = 1 - \exp \left\{ - h \left[ 1 + \kappa(y_0 - \mu)/\sigma\right]^{-1/\kappa}\right\}
σy0=log[σ+κ(y0μ)/σ]\sigma_{y_0} = \log[\sigma + \kappa(y_0 - \mu)/\sigma]

Similarly, another reparameterization is

σy0=σ+κ(y0μ)\sigma_{y_0} = \sigma + \kappa (y_0 - \mu)


p(Yy+y0Y>y0)=11F(y+y0)1F(y0)p(Y\leq y+y_0|Y>y_0) = 1 - \frac{1-F(y+y_0)}{1-F(y_0)}

where y>0y>0. If we let y0y_0\rightarrow\infty, then this leads to an approximate family of distributions given by the GPD

Marginal Survival Function

We are interested in the marginal probability of occurrence above an arbitrary maximum value, yy. We can write the joint distribution of both quantities to be factored as follows.


The first term is the rate of exceedences above some quantity yy given some threshold, y0y_0. The second term is the probability that an event is above some threshold, y0y_0. We could also describe it as the rate of exceedences above some threshold, y0y_0.

Let’s define an arrival rate λ to be the average number of events per year larger than a threshold, y0y_0. This is analogous to a Poisson distribution.

p(Y>y0):=Pois(Y=k)p(Y>y_0) := \text{Pois}(Y=k)

where kk is the number of occurrences within some period TT. We can write down this distribution as

f(k;λ)=λkk!eλf(k;\lambda)= \frac{\lambda^k}{k!}e^{-\lambda}

We know that the expected value is simply the parameter λ.

E[p(Y>y0)]=λ\mathbb{E}\left[p(Y>y_0) \right] = \lambda

We can calculate this approximately by summing the number of events, over the threshold, y0y_0, and then we divide them by the total number of events, Ny0N_{y_0}

λ^=1Ny0n=1Ny0I(yn>y0)\hat{\lambda} = \frac{1}{N_{y_0}}\sum_{n=1}^{N_{y_0}} \boldsymbol{I}(y_n > y_0)

To relate this back to our function, we would need the rate parameter λ in units as events per year

λyear=λt[events][year]1\lambda_{year} = \lambda t \hspace{5mm} [\text{events}][\text{year}]^{-1}

where tt is some conversion factor from whatever time unit to years.

Literature Review

There are many cases where the GPD is used within the literature. We split this section into theory and applications. However, most of the theoretic work that presents this method is based in applied settings, in particular hydrology.

Theory. From a more theoretic perspective, Davison & Smith, 1990Martins & Stedinger, 2001Chavez-Demoulin * et al., 2005 introduce the Poisson-GPD method where they also relate the AEP and ARI. In Coles, 2001 (Chapter 4.3.3 - Appendix A.1), there is a staple chapter where they introduce the Poisson-GPD method. In Wang & Holmes, 2020, the authors discuss some of the key differences between the annual exceedence probability (AEP) and the average recurrence interval (ARI). Birkhäuser Basel (2007) is a another good book that has a few chapters dedicated to BM, POTs and PPs.

Applications. In Nemukula & Sigauke, 2020, they apply this to study maximum daily temperature in South Africa where they apply a non-stationary Poisson-GPD. Thiombiano et al. (2016) study how the Arctic Oscillation and Pacific North American covariates are related to the extreme daily precipitation months in Southeastern Canada where they apply a Poisson-GPD method with spline functions to map the covariates to the GPD parameters. Silva et al. (2015) study how El Niño-Southern Oscillation can effect the flood regime in the Itajaí river basin in Southern Brasil where they apply a non-stationary Poisson-GPD. Cid et al., 2015 look at how the North Atlantic Oscillation effect storm surges in the Atlantic and North Atlantic regions where they apply a non-stationary Poisson-GPD. Katz et al. (2005) investigate ecological disturbances in extremes for paleoecology where they apply a non-stationary Poisson-GPD.

Algorithms. Silva et al. (2015) showcase how we can use the delta-method (aka Laplace approximation) to calculate uncertainty intervals on the parameters. MacDonald et al. (2011) consider a Kernel Density estimator for the event occurrences parameterization.

  1. Davison, A. C., & Smith, R. L. (1990). Models for Exceedances Over High Thresholds. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 52(3), 393–425. 10.1111/j.2517-6161.1990.tb01796.x
  2. Martins, E. S., & Stedinger, J. R. (2001). Generalized Maximum Likelihood Pareto‐Poisson estimators for partial duration series. Water Resources Research, 37(10), 2551–2557. 10.1029/2001wr000367
  3. Chavez-Demoulin *, V., Davison, A. C., & McNeil, A. J. (2005). Estimating value-at-risk: a point process approach. Quantitative Finance, 5(2), 227–234. 10.1080/14697680500039613
  4. Coles, S. (2001). An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values. In Springer Series in Statistics. Springer London. 10.1007/978-1-4471-3675-0
  5. Wang, C.-H., & Holmes, J. D. (2020). Exceedance rate, exceedance probability, and the duality of GEV and GPD for extreme hazard analysis. Natural Hazards, 102(3), 1305–1321. 10.1007/s11069-020-03968-z