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Gaussian Process Regression

This notebook, I will go over how we can implement the Gaussian process (GP) regression algorithm using Jax. This isn't a new algorithm or anything but I would like to get accustomed to using Jax because it will be useful later when I implement the GPs to handle uncertain inputs.


  • Github Code - Lucas

    Broke down the GP function very nicely. Nice enough for me to follow.


import functools

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.experimental import optimizers
import numpy as np
import numpy as onp

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

# Plotting libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt['seaborn-paper'])


def get_data(N=30, sigma_obs=0.15, N_test=400):
    X = jnp.linspace(-1, 1, N)
    Y = X + 0.2 * jnp.power(X, 3.0) + 0.5 * jnp.power(0.5 + X, 2.0) * jnp.sin(4.0 * X)
    Y += sigma_obs * onp.random.randn(N)
    Y -= jnp.mean(Y)
    Y /= jnp.std(Y)

    assert X.shape == (N,)
    assert Y.shape == (N,)

    X_test = jnp.linspace(-1.2, 1.2, N_test)

    return X[:, None], Y[:, None], X_test[:, None], None
, y, Xtest, ytest = get_data()
print(X.shape, y.shape)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(X, y, c='red')
(30, 1) (30, 1)

Gaussian Process

Model: GP Prior


  • X, Y, $\theta= $ (Likelihood Parameters, Kernel Parameters)

  • Compute the Kernel Matrix

  • Compute the Mean function
  • Sample from the Multivariate Normal Distribution

Kernel Function

k(x,y) = \sigma_f \exp \left( - \frac{1}{2\sigma_\lambda^2}|| x - y||^2_2 \right)

# Squared Euclidean Distance Formula
def sqeuclidean_distance(x, y):
    return jnp.sum((x-y)**2)

# RBF Kernel
def rbf_kernel(params, x, y):
    return jnp.exp( - params['gamma'] * sqeuclidean_distance(x, y))

# ARD Kernel
def ard_kernel(params, x, y):

    # divide by the length scale
    x = x / params['length_scale']
    y = y / params['length_scale']

    # return the ard kernel
    return params['var_f'] * jnp.exp( - sqeuclidean_distance(x, y) )
params = {
    'var_f': 1.0,
    'sigma': 1.0

Kernel Matrix

# Gram Matrix
def gram(func, params, x, y):
    return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)
params = {
    'gamma': 1.0,
    'var_f': 1.0,
    'likelihood_noise': 0.01,
# input vector
# x_plot = jnp.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 100)[:, None]
# test_X = x_plot[0, :]

cov_f = functools.partial(gram, rbf_kernel)
K_ = cov_f(params, Xtest, X)

K_ = cov_f(params, X, Xtest)
(400, 30)
(30, 400)

Mean Function

Honestly, I never work with mean functions. I always assume a zero-mean function and that's it. I don't really know anyone who works with mean functions either. I've seen it used in deep Gaussian processes but I have no expertise in which mean functions to use. So, we'll follow the community standard for now: zero mean function

def zero_mean(x):
    return jnp.zeros(x.shape[0])

3. Compute Model

Now we have all of the components to make our GP prior function.

def gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x):
    return mu_f(x) , cov_f(params, x, x)
# define mean function
mu_f = zero_mean

# define covariance function
params = {
    'gamma': 1.0,
    'var_f': 1.0

cov_f = functools.partial(gram, rbf_kernel)

mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f, x=X[0, :])


So I'm still getting used to the vmap. So in theory, this function should work for a vector \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{D} and for a batch of samples X \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times D}

# checks - 1 vector (D)
test_X = X[0, :].copy()
mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f, x=test_X) 

print(mu_x.shape, cov_x.shape)
assert mu_x.shape[0] == test_X.shape[0]
assert jnp.ndim(mu_x) == 1
# Check output shapes, # of dimensions
assert cov_x.shape[0] == test_X.shape[0]
assert jnp.ndim(cov_x) == 2 

# checks - 1 vector with batch size (NxD)
test_X = X.copy()
mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f, x=test_X) 

assert mu_x.shape[0] == test_X.shape[0]
assert jnp.ndim(mu_x) == 1
# Check output shapes, # of dimensions
assert cov_x.shape[0] == test_X.shape[0]
assert jnp.ndim(cov_x) == 2
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[30,1]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
(1,) (1, 1)

Woot! Success! So now we can technically sample from this GP prior distribution.

4. Sampling from GP Prior

from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as scio_mvn


# checks - 1 vector (D)
params = {
    'length_scale': 0.1, 
    'var_f': 1.0, 

n_samples = 10                   # condition on 3 samples 
test_X = X[:n_samples, :].copy() # random samples from distribution

mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f , x=test_X)

# check outputs
assert mu_x.shape == (n_samples,)
assert cov_x.shape == (n_samples, n_samples)

# draw random samples from distribution
n_functions = 10
y_samples = stats.multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mu_x, cov=cov_x, size=n_functions)

assert y_samples.shape == (n_functions, n_samples)

for isample in y_samples:
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-182-7c0d1026349a> in <module>
      9 test_X = X[:n_samples, :].copy() # random samples from distribution
---> 11 mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f , x=test_X)
     13 # check outputs

<ipython-input-178-5213747816ca> in gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x)
      1 def gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x):
----> 2     return mu_f(x) , cov_f(params, x, x)

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in gram(func, params, x, y)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in batched_fun(*args)
    756     in_axes_flat = _flatten_axes(in_tree, in_axes)
    757     _check_axis_sizes(in_tree, args_flat, in_axes_flat)
--> 758     out_flat = batching.batch(flat_fun, args_flat, in_axes_flat,
    759                               lambda: _flatten_axes(out_tree(), out_axes))
    760     return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/interpreters/ in batch(fun, in_vals, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
     32   # executes a batched version of `fun` following out_dim_dests
     33   batched_fun = batch_fun(fun, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
---> 34   return batched_fun.call_wrapped(*in_vals)
     36 @lu.transformation_with_aux

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in call_wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
    148     gen = None
--> 150     ans = self.f(*args, **dict(self.params, **kwargs))
    151     del args
    152     while stack:

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in <lambda>(x1)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in batched_fun(*args)
    756     in_axes_flat = _flatten_axes(in_tree, in_axes)
    757     _check_axis_sizes(in_tree, args_flat, in_axes_flat)
--> 758     out_flat = batching.batch(flat_fun, args_flat, in_axes_flat,
    759                               lambda: _flatten_axes(out_tree(), out_axes))
    760     return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/interpreters/ in batch(fun, in_vals, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
     32   # executes a batched version of `fun` following out_dim_dests
     33   batched_fun = batch_fun(fun, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
---> 34   return batched_fun.call_wrapped(*in_vals)
     36 @lu.transformation_with_aux

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in call_wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
    148     gen = None
--> 150     ans = self.f(*args, **dict(self.params, **kwargs))
    151     del args
    152     while stack:

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in <lambda>(y1)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

<ipython-input-173-a1a5400824ce> in rbf_kernel(params, x, y)
      7 # @jax.jit
      8 def rbf_kernel(params, x, y):
----> 9     return jnp.exp( - params['gamma'] * sqeuclidean_distance(x, y))
     11 # ARD Kernel

KeyError: 'gamma'

Note - The positive semi-definite error

I believe that's due to the diagonals being off. Normally we add something called jitter. This allows the matrix to be positive semi-definite.

mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f , x=test_X)

# make it semi-positive definite with jitter
jitter = 1e-6
cov_x_ = cov_x + jitter * np.eye(cov_x.shape[0])

# draw random samples from distribution
n_functions = 10
y_samples = scio_mvn.rvs(mean=mu_x, cov=cov_x_ , size=n_functions)

for isample in y_samples:
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-183-12ab200a8e55> in <module>
----> 1 mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f , x=test_X)
      3 # make it semi-positive definite with jitter
      4 jitter = 1e-6
      5 cov_x_ = cov_x + jitter * np.eye(cov_x.shape[0])

<ipython-input-178-5213747816ca> in gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x)
      1 def gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x):
----> 2     return mu_f(x) , cov_f(params, x, x)

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in gram(func, params, x, y)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in batched_fun(*args)
    756     in_axes_flat = _flatten_axes(in_tree, in_axes)
    757     _check_axis_sizes(in_tree, args_flat, in_axes_flat)
--> 758     out_flat = batching.batch(flat_fun, args_flat, in_axes_flat,
    759                               lambda: _flatten_axes(out_tree(), out_axes))
    760     return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/interpreters/ in batch(fun, in_vals, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
     32   # executes a batched version of `fun` following out_dim_dests
     33   batched_fun = batch_fun(fun, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
---> 34   return batched_fun.call_wrapped(*in_vals)
     36 @lu.transformation_with_aux

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in call_wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
    148     gen = None
--> 150     ans = self.f(*args, **dict(self.params, **kwargs))
    151     del args
    152     while stack:

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in <lambda>(x1)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in batched_fun(*args)
    756     in_axes_flat = _flatten_axes(in_tree, in_axes)
    757     _check_axis_sizes(in_tree, args_flat, in_axes_flat)
--> 758     out_flat = batching.batch(flat_fun, args_flat, in_axes_flat,
    759                               lambda: _flatten_axes(out_tree(), out_axes))
    760     return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/interpreters/ in batch(fun, in_vals, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
     32   # executes a batched version of `fun` following out_dim_dests
     33   batched_fun = batch_fun(fun, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
---> 34   return batched_fun.call_wrapped(*in_vals)
     36 @lu.transformation_with_aux

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in call_wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
    148     gen = None
--> 150     ans = self.f(*args, **dict(self.params, **kwargs))
    151     del args
    152     while stack:

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in <lambda>(y1)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

<ipython-input-173-a1a5400824ce> in rbf_kernel(params, x, y)
      7 # @jax.jit
      8 def rbf_kernel(params, x, y):
----> 9     return jnp.exp( - params['gamma'] * sqeuclidean_distance(x, y))
     11 # ARD Kernel

KeyError: 'gamma'

And now we don't have that message. This is a small thing but it's super important and can lead to errors in the optimization if not addressed.


# checks - 1 vector (D)
params = {
    'length_scale': 0.1, 
    'var_f': 1.0, 

n_samples = 10                   # condition on 3 samples 
test_X = X[:n_samples, :].copy() # random samples from distribution

mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f , x=test_X)

# make it semi-positive definite with jitter
jitter = 1e-6
cov_x_ = cov_x + jitter * jnp.eye(cov_x.shape[0])

n_functions = 10

key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

y_samples = jax.random.multivariate_normal(key, mu_x, cov_x_, shape=(n_functions,))

# check
assert y_samples.shape == (n_functions, n_samples)

for isample in y_samples:
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-184-9b06421fbf35> in <module>
      9 test_X = X[:n_samples, :].copy() # random samples from distribution
---> 11 mu_x, cov_x = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_f, cov_f=cov_f , x=test_X)
     13 # make it semi-positive definite with jitter

<ipython-input-178-5213747816ca> in gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x)
      1 def gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x):
----> 2     return mu_f(x) , cov_f(params, x, x)

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in gram(func, params, x, y)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in batched_fun(*args)
    756     in_axes_flat = _flatten_axes(in_tree, in_axes)
    757     _check_axis_sizes(in_tree, args_flat, in_axes_flat)
--> 758     out_flat = batching.batch(flat_fun, args_flat, in_axes_flat,
    759                               lambda: _flatten_axes(out_tree(), out_axes))
    760     return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/interpreters/ in batch(fun, in_vals, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
     32   # executes a batched version of `fun` following out_dim_dests
     33   batched_fun = batch_fun(fun, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
---> 34   return batched_fun.call_wrapped(*in_vals)
     36 @lu.transformation_with_aux

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in call_wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
    148     gen = None
--> 150     ans = self.f(*args, **dict(self.params, **kwargs))
    151     del args
    152     while stack:

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in <lambda>(x1)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in batched_fun(*args)
    756     in_axes_flat = _flatten_axes(in_tree, in_axes)
    757     _check_axis_sizes(in_tree, args_flat, in_axes_flat)
--> 758     out_flat = batching.batch(flat_fun, args_flat, in_axes_flat,
    759                               lambda: _flatten_axes(out_tree(), out_axes))
    760     return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/interpreters/ in batch(fun, in_vals, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
     32   # executes a batched version of `fun` following out_dim_dests
     33   batched_fun = batch_fun(fun, in_dims, out_dim_dests)
---> 34   return batched_fun.call_wrapped(*in_vals)
     36 @lu.transformation_with_aux

~/.conda/envs/jax_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jax/ in call_wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
    148     gen = None
--> 150     ans = self.f(*args, **dict(self.params, **kwargs))
    151     del args
    152     while stack:

<ipython-input-175-6d9cf91bb78f> in <lambda>(y1)
      1 # Gram Matrix
      2 def gram(func, params, x, y):
----> 3     return jax.vmap(lambda x1: jax.vmap(lambda y1: func(params, x1, y1))(y))(x)

<ipython-input-173-a1a5400824ce> in rbf_kernel(params, x, y)
      7 # @jax.jit
      8 def rbf_kernel(params, x, y):
----> 9     return jnp.exp( - params['gamma'] * sqeuclidean_distance(x, y))
     11 # ARD Kernel

KeyError: 'gamma'

4. Posterior

Conditioned on the observations, can we make predictions.

def gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x):
    return mu_f(x) , cov_f(params, x, x)

def cholesky_factorization(K, Y):

    # cho factor the cholesky
    logger.debug(f"ChoFactor: K{K.shape}")
    L = jax.scipy.linalg.cho_factor(K, lower=True)
    logger.debug(f"Output, L: {L[0].shape}, {L[1]}")

    # weights
    logger.debug(f"Input, ChoSolve(L, Y): {L[0].shape, Y.shape}")
    weights = jax.scipy.linalg.cho_solve(L, Y)
    logger.debug(f"Output, alpha: {weights.shape}")

    return L, weights

jitter = 1e-6

def posterior(params, prior_params, X, Y, X_new, likelihood_noise=False):
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, X: {X.shape}, Y: {Y.shape}, X*: {X_new.shape}")
    (mu_func, cov_func) = prior_params
    logging.debug("Loaded mean and cov functions")

    # ==========================
    # 1. GP PRIOR
    # ==========================
    logging.debug(f"Getting GP Priors...")

    mu_x, Kxx = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_func, cov_f=cov_func, x=X)
    logging.debug(f"Output, mu_x: {mu_x.shape}, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}")

    # check outputs
    assert mu_x.shape == (X.shape[0],), f"{mu_x.shape} =/= {(X.shape[0],)}"
    assert Kxx.shape == (
    ), f"{Kxx.shape} =/= {(X.shape[0],X.shape[0])}"

    # ===========================
    # ===========================
    logging.debug(f"Solving Cholesky Factorization...")

    # 1 STEP
#     print(f"Problem: {Kxx.shape},{Y.shape}")
    (L, lower), alpha = cholesky_factorization(
        Kxx + (params["likelihood_noise"] + 1e-6) * jnp.eye(Kxx.shape[0]), Y
    logging.debug(f"Output, L: {L.shape}, alpha: {alpha.shape}")
    assert L.shape == (
    ), f"L:{L.shape} =/= X..:{(X.shape[0],X.shape[0])}"
    assert alpha.shape == (X.shape[0], 1), f"alpha: {alpha.shape} =/= X: {X.shape[0], 1}"

    # ================================
    # ================================
    logging.debug(f"Getting Projection Kernel...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, cov(x*, X): {X_new.shape},{X.shape}")

    # calculate transform kernel
    KxX = cov_func(params, X_new, X)

    logging.debug(f"Output, KxX: {KxX.shape}")

    assert KxX.shape == (
    ), f"{KxX.shape} =/= {(X_new.shape[0],X.shape[0])}"

    # Project data
    logging.debug(f"Getting Predictive Mean Distribution...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, mu(x*): {X_new.shape}, KxX @ alpha: {KxX.shape} @ {alpha.shape}")
    mu_y =, alpha)
    logging.debug(f"Output, mu_y: {mu_y.shape}")
    assert mu_y.shape == (X_new.shape[0],1)

    # =====================================
    # =====================================
    logging.debug(f"Getting Predictive Covariance matrix...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, L @ KxX.T: {L.shape} @ {KxX.T.shape}")

    #     print(f"K_xX: {KXx.T.shape}, L: {L.shape}")
    v = jax.scipy.linalg.cho_solve((L, True), KxX.T)

    logging.debug(f"Output, v: {v.shape}")
    assert v.shape == (
    ), f"v: {v.shape} =/= {(X_new.shape[0])}"

    logging.debug(f"Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - {X_new.shape},{X_new.shape}")
    Kxx = cov_func(params, X_new, X_new)

    logging.debug(f"Output, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}")
    assert Kxx.shape == (X_new.shape[0], X_new.shape[0])

    logging.debug(f"Calculating final covariance matrix...")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}, v:{v.shape}")

    cov_y = Kxx -, v)
    logging.debug(f"Output: cov(x*, x*) - {cov_y.shape}")

    assert cov_y.shape == (X_new.shape[0], X_new.shape[0])

    if likelihood_noise is True:
        cov_y += params['likelihood_noise']

    # TODO: Bug here for vmap...

    # =====================================
    # =====================================
    logging.debug(f"Getting Predictive Variance...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, L.T, I: {L.T.shape}, {KxX.T.shape}")

    Linv = jax.scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L.T, jnp.eye(L.shape[0]))

    logging.debug(f"Output, Linv: {Linv.shape}, {Linv.min():.2f},{Linv.max():.2f}")

    logging.debug(f"Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - {X_new.shape},{X_new.shape}")
    var_y = jnp.diag(cov_func(params, X_new, X_new))
    logging.debug(f"Output, diag(Kxx): {var_y.shape}, {var_y.min():.2f},{var_y.max():.2f}")

    logging.debug(f"Inputs, Linv @ Linv.T - {Linv.shape},{Linv.T.shape}")
    Kinv =, Linv.T)
    logging.debug(f"Output, Kinv: {Kinv.shape}, {Kinv.min():.2f},{Kinv.max():.2f}")

    logging.debug(f"Final Variance...")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, KxX: {KxX.shape}, {Kinv.shape}, {KxX.shape}")
    var_y -= jnp.einsum("ij,ij->i",, Kinv), KxX), Kinv), KxX.T)
    logging.debug(f"Output, var_y: {var_y.shape}, {var_y.min():.2f},{var_y.max():.2f}")
    #jnp.einsum("ij, jk, ki->i", KxX,, Linv.T), KxX.T)

    return mu_y, cov_y, jnp.diag(cov_y)
mu_f = zero_mean

params = {
    'gamma': 1.0,
    'var_f': 1.0,
    'likelihood_noise': 0.01,
cov_f = functools.partial(gram, rbf_kernel)

# input vector
# x_plot = jnp.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 100)[:, None]
test_X = Xtest[0, :]

prior_funcs = (mu_f, cov_f)

mu_y, cov_y, var_y = posterior(params, prior_funcs, X, y, X_new=test_X)

print(mu_y.shape,  cov_y.shape, var_y.shape)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, X: (30, 1), Y: (30, 1), X*: (1,)
DEBUG:root:Loaded mean and cov functions
DEBUG:root:Getting GP Priors...
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[30,1]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, mu_x: (30,), Kxx: (30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Solving Cholesky Factorization...
DEBUG:root:ChoFactor: K(30, 30)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _cholesky for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]),).
DEBUG:root:Output, L: (30, 30), True
DEBUG:root:Input, ChoSolve(L, Y): ((30, 30), (30, 1))
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _cho_solve for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, alpha: (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, L: (30, 30), alpha: (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Getting Projection Kernel...
DEBUG:root:Input, cov(x*, X): (1,),(30, 1)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[1]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, KxX: (1, 30)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Mean Distribution...
DEBUG:root:Input, mu(x*): (1,), KxX @ alpha: (1, 30) @ (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, mu_y: (1, 1)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Covariance matrix...
DEBUG:root:Input, L @ KxX.T: (30, 30) @ (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, v: (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - (1,),(1,)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[1]), ShapedArray(float32[1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, Kxx: (1, 1)
DEBUG:root:Calculating final covariance matrix...
DEBUG:root:Inputs, Kxx: (1, 1), v:(30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output: cov(x*, x*) - (1, 1)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Variance...
DEBUG:root:Input, L.T, I: (30, 30), (30, 1)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _solve_triangular for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,30])).
DEBUG:root:Output, Linv: (30, 30), -6.00,7.19
DEBUG:root:Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - (1,),(1,)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _where for args (ShapedArray(bool[1,1]), ShapedArray(float32[1,1]), ShapedArray(float32[1,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, diag(Kxx): (1,), 1.00,1.00
DEBUG:root:Inputs, Linv @ Linv.T - (30, 30),(30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Output, Kinv: (30, 30), -33.54,86.93
DEBUG:root:Final Variance...
DEBUG:root:Inputs, KxX: (1, 30), (30, 30), (1, 30)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _einsum for args (ShapedArray(float32[1,30]), ShapedArray(float32[1,30])).
DEBUG:root:Output, var_y: (1,), 0.03,0.03
(1, 1) (1, 1) (1,)
mu_y, cov_y, var_y = posterior(params, prior_funcs, X, y, Xtest, True)

print(mu_y.shape,  cov_y.shape, var_y.shape)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, X: (30, 1), Y: (30, 1), X*: (400, 1)
DEBUG:root:Loaded mean and cov functions
DEBUG:root:Getting GP Priors...
DEBUG:root:Output, mu_x: (30,), Kxx: (30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Solving Cholesky Factorization...
DEBUG:root:ChoFactor: K(30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Output, L: (30, 30), True
DEBUG:root:Input, ChoSolve(L, Y): ((30, 30), (30, 1))
DEBUG:root:Output, alpha: (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, L: (30, 30), alpha: (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Getting Projection Kernel...
DEBUG:root:Input, cov(x*, X): (400, 1),(30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, KxX: (400, 30)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Mean Distribution...
DEBUG:root:Input, mu(x*): (400, 1), KxX @ alpha: (400, 30) @ (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, mu_y: (400, 1)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Covariance matrix...
DEBUG:root:Input, L @ KxX.T: (30, 30) @ (30, 400)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _cho_solve for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,400])).
DEBUG:root:Output, v: (30, 400)
DEBUG:root:Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - (400, 1),(400, 1)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), ShapedArray(float32[400,1]), ShapedArray(float32[400,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, Kxx: (400, 400)
DEBUG:root:Calculating final covariance matrix...
DEBUG:root:Inputs, Kxx: (400, 400), v:(30, 400)
DEBUG:root:Output: cov(x*, x*) - (400, 400)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Variance...
DEBUG:root:Input, L.T, I: (30, 30), (30, 400)
DEBUG:root:Output, Linv: (30, 30), -6.00,7.19
DEBUG:root:Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - (400, 1),(400, 1)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _where for args (ShapedArray(bool[400,400]), ShapedArray(float32[400,400]), ShapedArray(float32[400,400])).
DEBUG:root:Output, diag(Kxx): (400,), 1.00,1.00
DEBUG:root:Inputs, Linv @ Linv.T - (30, 30),(30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Output, Kinv: (30, 30), -33.54,86.93
DEBUG:root:Final Variance...
DEBUG:root:Inputs, KxX: (400, 30), (30, 30), (400, 30)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _einsum for args (ShapedArray(float32[400,30]), ShapedArray(float32[400,30])).
DEBUG:root:Output, var_y: (400,), 0.00,0.03
(400, 1) (400, 400) (400,)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f06943d8a30>]
test_X.shape, mu_y.shape
((1,), (400, 1))
uncertainty = 1.96 * jnp.sqrt(var_y.squeeze())

plt.fill_between(Xtest.squeeze(), mu_y.squeeze() + uncertainty, mu_y.squeeze() - uncertainty, alpha=0.1)
plt.plot(Xtest.squeeze(), mu_y.squeeze(), label='Mean')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f06741adfd0>]

5. Loss - Log-Likelihood

From Scratch

# @jax.jit
def cholesky_factorization(K, Y):

    # cho factor the cholesky 
    L = jax.scipy.linalg.cho_factor(K)

    # weights
    weights = jax.scipy.linalg.cho_solve(L, Y)

    return L, weights

def nll_scratch(gp_priors, params, X, Y) -> float:

    (mu_func, cov_func) = gp_priors

    # ==========================
    # 1. GP PRIOR
    # ==========================
    mu_x, Kxx = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_func, cov_f=cov_func , x=X)
#     y_mean = jnp.mean(Y, axis=1)
#     Y -= y_mean
#     print(mu_x.shape, Kxx.shape)

    # ===========================
    # ===========================
#     print(f"Problem:", X.shape, Y.shape, Kxx.shape)
#     print(f"Y: {Y.shape}, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}")

    (L, lower), alpha = cholesky_factorization(Kxx + ( params['likelihood_noise'] + 1e-5 ) * jnp.eye(Kxx.shape[0]), Y)
#     L = jax.scipy.linalg.cholesky(Kxx + ( params['likelihood_noise'] + 1e-6 ) * jnp.eye(Kxx.shape[0]), lower=True)
#     alpha = jax.scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L.T, jax.scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L, y, lower=True))
#     print(f"Y: {Y.shape}, alpha: {alpha.shape}")
    logging.debug(f"Y: {Y.shape},alpha:{alpha.shape}")
    log_likelihood = -0.5 * jnp.einsum("ik,ik->k", Y, alpha) #*, alpha) #
    log_likelihood -= jnp.sum(jnp.log(jnp.diag(L)))
    log_likelihood -= ( Kxx.shape[0] / 2 ) * jnp.log(2 * jnp.pi)
#     log_likelihood -= jnp.sum(-0.5 * np.log(2 * 3.1415) - params['var_f']**2)
    return - jnp.sum(log_likelihood)
# #     print(L.shape, alpha.shape)
#     # cho factor the cholesky 
#     K_gp = Kxx + ( params['likelihood_noise'] + 1e-6 ) * jnp.eye(Kxx.shape[0])
# #     L = jax.scipy.linalg.cholesky(K_gp)
# #     assert np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(K_gp, L @ L.T), 

#     return jax.scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf(Y, mean=mu_x, cov=K_gp)
mu_f = zero_mean

params = {
    'gamma': 1.0,
    'var_f': 1.0,
    'likelihood_noise': 0.01,
cov_f = functools.partial(gram, rbf_kernel)

prior_funcs = (mu_f, cov_f)
# print(X.shape, y.shape, test_X.shape)

nll = nll_scratch(prior_funcs, params, X, y)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _cholesky for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]),).
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _cho_solve for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:root:Y: (30, 1),alpha:(30, 1)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _einsum for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,1]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _where for args (ShapedArray(bool[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,30])).

Auto-Batching with VMAP

nll_scratch_vec = jax.vmap(nll_scratch, in_axes=(None, None, 0, 0))

nll = nll_scratch_vec(params, prior_funcs, X, y[:, None])
(1,) (1, 1)
Y: (1,), alpha: (1,)

Refactor - Built-in Function

It turns out that the jax library already has the logpdf for the multivariate_normal already implemented. So we can just use that.

def gp_prior(params, mu_f, cov_f, x):
    return mu_f(x) , cov_f(params, x, x)

def marginal_likelihood(prior_params, params,  Xtrain, Ytrain):

    # unpack params
    (mu_func, cov_func) = prior_params

    # ==========================
    # 1. GP Prior
    # ==========================
    mu_x = mu_f(Xtrain)
    logging.debug(f"mu: {mu_x.shape}")
    Kxx = cov_f(params, Xtrain, Xtrain)
    logging.debug(f"Kxx: {Kxx.shape}")
#     print("MLL (GPPR):", Xtrain.shape, Ytrain.shape)
#     mu_x, Kxx = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_func, cov_f=cov_func , x=Xtrain)

    # ===========================
    # 2. GP Likelihood
    # ===========================
    K_gp = Kxx + ( params['likelihood_noise'] + 1e-6 ) * jnp.eye(Kxx.shape[0])
    logging.debug(f"K_gp: {K_gp.shape}")
#     print("MLL (GPLL):", Xtrain.shape, Ytrain.shape)

    # ===========================
    # 3. Built-in GP Likelihood
    # ===========================
    logging.debug(f"Input: {Ytrain.squeeze().shape}, mu: {mu_x.shape}, K: {K_gp.shape}")
    log_prob = jax.scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf(Ytrain.squeeze(), mean=jnp.zeros(Ytrain.shape[0]), cov=K_gp)
    logging.debug(f"LogProb: {log_prob.shape}")

    nll = jnp.sum(log_prob)
    return -nll
mu_f = zero_mean

params = {
    'gamma': 1.0,
    'var_f': 1.0,
    'likelihood_noise': 0.01,
cov_f = functools.partial(gram, rbf_kernel)

prior_funcs = (mu_f, cov_f)
# print(X.shape, y.shape, test_X.shape)

nll = marginal_likelihood(prior_funcs, params, X, y)
DEBUG:root:mu: (30,)
DEBUG:root:Kxx: (30, 30)
DEBUG:root:K_gp: (30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Input: (30,), mu: (30,), K: (30, 30)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _einsum for args (ShapedArray(float32[30]), ShapedArray(float32[30])).
DEBUG:root:LogProb: ()
%timeit _ = nll_scratch(prior_funcs, params, X, y)
%timeit _ = marginal_likelihood(prior_funcs, params, X, y)
18.3 ms ± 2.55 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
26 ms ± 906 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

6. Training

def softplus(x):
    return np.logaddexp(x, 0.)

X, y, Xtest, ytest = get_data(30)

params = {
    'gamma': 10.,
#     'length_scale': 1.0,
#     'var_f': 1.0,
    'likelihood_noise': 1e-3,

# Nice Trick for better training of params
def saturate(params):
    return {ikey:softplus(ivalue) for (ikey, ivalue) in params.items()}

params = saturate(params)

cov_f = functools.partial(gram, rbf_kernel)

gp_priors = (mu_f, cov_f)

mll_loss = jax.jit(functools.partial(nll_scratch, gp_priors))

dloss = jax.jit(jax.grad(mll_loss))

mu_f = zero_mean

# l_val = mll_loss(saturate(params), X[0,:], y[0, :].reshape(-1, 1))
l_vals = mll_loss(saturate(params), X, y)
# print('MLL (vector):', l_val)
# print('MLL (samples):', l_vals)

# dl_val = dloss(saturate(params), X[0,:], y[0, :].reshape(-1, 1))
dl_vals = dloss(saturate(params), X, y)
# print('dMLL (vector):', dl_val)|
# print('dMLL (samples):', dl_vals)

def step(params, X, y, opt_state):
    # print("BEOFRE!")
    # print(X.shape, y.shape)
    # print("PARAMS", params)
    # print(opt_state)
    # value and gradient of loss function
    loss = mll_loss(params, X, y)
    grads = dloss(params, X, y)
    # # print(f"VALUE:", value)
    # print("During! v", value)
    # print("During! p", params)
    # print("During! g", grads)
    # update parameter state
    opt_state = opt_update(0, grads, opt_state)

    # get new params
    params = get_params(opt_state)
    # print("AFTER! v", value)
    # print("AFTER! p", params)
    # print("AFTER! g", grads)
    return params, opt_state, loss

# initialize optimizer
opt_init, opt_update, get_params = optimizers.adam(step_size=1e-2)

# initialize parameters
opt_state = opt_init(params)

# get initial parameters
params = get_params(opt_state)
# print("PARAMS!", params)

n_epochs = 2_000
learning_rate = 0.01
losses = list()

import tqdm

with tqdm.trange(n_epochs) as bar:

    for i in bar:
        postfix = {}
#         params = saturate(params)
        # get nll and grads
        # nll, grads = dloss(params, X, y)

        params, opt_state, value = step(params, X, y, opt_state)

        # update params
        # params, momentums, scales, nll = train_step(params, momentums, scales, X, y)
        for ikey in params.keys():
            postfix[ikey] = f"{params[ikey]:.2f}"
        # params[ikey] += learning_rate * grads[ikey].mean()

        postfix["Loss"] = f"{onp.array(losses[-1]):.2f}"
        params = saturate(params)

# params = log_params(params)
100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:05<00:00, 335.90it/s, gamma=1.58, likelihood_noise=-2.76, Loss=10.66]
{'gamma': 1.770868627016222, 'likelihood_noise': 0.06155753105145977}

7. Predictions

def posterior(params, prior_params, X, Y, X_new, likelihood_noise=False):
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, X: {X.shape}, Y: {Y.shape}, X*: {X_new.shape}")
    (mu_func, cov_func) = prior_params
    logging.debug("Loaded mean and cov functions")

    # ==========================
    # 1. GP PRIOR
    # ==========================
    logging.debug(f"Getting GP Priors...")

    mu_x, Kxx = gp_prior(params, mu_f=mu_func, cov_f=cov_func, x=X)
    logging.debug(f"Output, mu_x: {mu_x.shape}, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}")
    logging.debug(f"Output, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}, {Kxx.min()}, {Kxx.max()}")
    # check outputs
    assert mu_x.shape == (X.shape[0],), f"{mu_x.shape} =/= {(X.shape[0],)}"
    assert Kxx.shape == (
    ), f"{Kxx.shape} =/= {(X.shape[0],X.shape[0])}"

    # ===========================
    # ===========================
    logging.debug(f"Solving Cholesky Factorization...")

    # 1 STEP
#     print(f"Problem: {Kxx.shape},{Y.shape}")
    L = jax.scipy.linalg.cholesky(
        Kxx + (params["likelihood_noise"] + 1e-7) * jnp.eye(Kxx.shape[0]), lower=True
    logging.debug(f"Output, L: {L.shape},{L.min()},{L.max()} ")

    alpha = jax.scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(
        jax.scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L, Y, lower=True)
#     (L, lower), alpha = cholesky_factorization(
#         , Y
#     )
    logging.debug(f"Output, L: {L.shape}, alpha: {alpha.shape},{alpha.min()},{alpha.max()} ")
    assert L.shape == (
    ), f"L:{L.shape} =/= X..:{(X.shape[0],X.shape[0])}"
    assert alpha.shape == (X.shape[0], 1), f"alpha: {alpha.shape} =/= X: {X.shape[0], 1}"

    # ================================
    # ================================
    logging.debug(f"Getting Projection Kernel...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, cov(x*, X): {X_new.shape},{X.shape}")

    # calculate transform kernel
    KxX = cov_func(params, X_new, X)

    logging.debug(f"Output, KxX: {KxX.shape}")

    assert KxX.shape == (
    ), f"{KxX.shape} =/= {(X_new.shape[0],X.shape[0])}"

    # Project data
    logging.debug(f"Getting Predictive Mean Distribution...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, mu(x*): {X_new.shape}, KxX @ alpha: {KxX.shape} @ {alpha.shape}")
    mu_y =, alpha)
    logging.debug(f"Output, mu_y: {mu_y.shape}")
    assert mu_y.shape == (X_new.shape[0],1)

    # =====================================
    # =====================================
    logging.debug(f"Getting Predictive Covariance matrix...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, L @ KxX.T: {L.shape} @ {KxX.T.shape}")

    #     print(f"K_xX: {KXx.T.shape}, L: {L.shape}")
    v = jax.scipy.linalg.cho_solve((L, True), KxX.T)

    logging.debug(f"Output, v: {v.shape}, {v.min():.2f},{v.max():.2f}")
    assert v.shape == (
    ), f"v: {v.shape} =/= {(X_new.shape[0])}"

    logging.debug(f"Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - {X_new.shape},{X_new.shape}")
    Kxx = cov_func(params, X_new, X_new)

    logging.debug(f"Output, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}")
    assert Kxx.shape == (X_new.shape[0], X_new.shape[0])

    logging.debug(f"Calculating final covariance matrix...")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, Kxx: {Kxx.shape}, v:{v.shape}")

    cov_y = Kxx -, v)
    logging.debug(f"Output: cov(x*, x*) - {cov_y.shape}")

    assert cov_y.shape == (X_new.shape[0], X_new.shape[0])

    if likelihood_noise is True:
        cov_y += params['likelihood_noise']

    # TODO: Bug here for vmap...

    # =====================================
    # =====================================
    logging.debug(f"Getting Predictive Variance...")
    logging.debug(f"Input, L.T, I: {L.T.shape}, {KxX.T.shape}")

    Linv = jax.scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L.T, jnp.eye(L.shape[0]))

    logging.debug(f"Output, Linv: {Linv.shape}, {Linv.min():.2f},{Linv.max():.2f}")

    logging.debug(f"Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - {X_new.shape},{X_new.shape}")
    var_y = jnp.diag(cov_func(params, X_new, X_new))
    logging.debug(f"Output, diag(Kxx): {var_y.shape}, {var_y.min():.2f},{var_y.max():.2f}")

    logging.debug(f"Inputs, Linv @ Linv.T - {Linv.shape},{Linv.T.shape}")
    Kinv =, Linv.T)
    logging.debug(f"Output, Kinv: {Kinv.shape}, {Kinv.min():.2f},{Kinv.max():.2f}")

    logging.debug(f"Final Variance...")
    logging.debug(f"Inputs, KxX: {KxX.shape}, {Kinv.shape}, {KxX.shape}")
    var_y -= jnp.einsum("ij,ij->i",, Kinv), KxX), Kinv), KxX.T)
    logging.debug(f"Output, var_y: {var_y.shape}, {var_y.min():.2f},{var_y.max():.2f}")
    #jnp.einsum("ij, jk, ki->i", KxX,, Linv.T), KxX.T)

    return mu_y, cov_y, jnp.diag(cov_y)
{'gamma': 1.770868627016222, 'likelihood_noise': 0.06155753105145977}
# print(X.shape, y.shape, test_X.shape)
# x_plot = jnp.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 1_000)[:, None]
print(X.shape, y.shape, Xtest.shape)
mu_y, cov_y, var_y = posterior(params, gp_priors, X, y, Xtest, True)

print(mu_y.shape, cov_y.shape, var_y.shape)
# onp.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(jncov_y, var_y)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, X: (30, 1), Y: (30, 1), X*: (400, 1)
DEBUG:root:Loaded mean and cov functions
DEBUG:root:Getting GP Priors...
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
(30, 1) (30, 1) (400, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, mu_x: (30,), Kxx: (30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Output, Kxx: (30, 30), 0.000838853360619396, 1.0
DEBUG:root:Solving Cholesky Factorization...
DEBUG:root:Output, L: (30, 30),0.0,1.0303192138671875 
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _solve_triangular for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _solve_triangular for args (ShapedArray(float32[30,30]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, L: (30, 30), alpha: (30, 1),-8.470149993896484,10.187272071838379 
DEBUG:root:Getting Projection Kernel...
DEBUG:root:Input, cov(x*, X): (400, 1),(30, 1)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[400,1]), ShapedArray(float32[30,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, KxX: (400, 30)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Mean Distribution...
DEBUG:root:Input, mu(x*): (400, 1), KxX @ alpha: (400, 30) @ (30, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, mu_y: (400, 1)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Covariance matrix...
DEBUG:root:Input, L @ KxX.T: (30, 30) @ (30, 400)
DEBUG:root:Output, v: (30, 400), -0.17,0.75
DEBUG:root:Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - (400, 1),(400, 1)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling rbf_kernel for args (ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[400,1]), ShapedArray(float32[400,1])).
DEBUG:root:Output, Kxx: (400, 400)
DEBUG:root:Calculating final covariance matrix...
DEBUG:root:Inputs, Kxx: (400, 400), v:(30, 400)
DEBUG:root:Output: cov(x*, x*) - (400, 400)
DEBUG:root:Getting Predictive Variance...
DEBUG:root:Input, L.T, I: (30, 30), (30, 400)
DEBUG:root:Output, Linv: (30, 30), -2.54,3.05
DEBUG:root:Covariance matrix tests...cov(x*, x*)
DEBUG:root:Inputs, cov(x*, x*) - (400, 1),(400, 1)
DEBUG:root:Output, diag(Kxx): (400,), 1.00,1.00
DEBUG:root:Inputs, Linv @ Linv.T - (30, 30),(30, 30)
DEBUG:root:Output, Kinv: (30, 30), -5.07,13.96
DEBUG:root:Final Variance...
DEBUG:root:Inputs, KxX: (400, 30), (30, 30), (400, 30)
DEBUG:absl:Compiling _einsum for args (ShapedArray(float32[400,30]), ShapedArray(float32[400,30])).
DEBUG:root:Output, var_y: (400,), 0.01,0.12
(400, 1) (400, 400) (400,)
print(var_y.min(), var_y.max(), cov_y.min(), cov_y.max())
0.07021278 0.18080568 0.05092573 0.18080568
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f065c01e5b0>]
uncertainty = 1.96 * jnp.sqrt(var_y.squeeze())

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(X, y, c='red')
plt.plot(Xtest.squeeze(), mu_y.squeeze(), label='Mean')
plt.fill_between(Xtest.squeeze(), mu_y.squeeze() + uncertainty, mu_y.squeeze() - uncertainty, alpha=0.1)