
How we choose how to include information at every step


Some definitions.

Objective - this describes what you ultimately want to achieve.

Reward - the thing given in recognition of one's achievement.

Task - the key actions that show you how you will achieve said reward.

Problem (general) - a matter or situation as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.

Problem (physics-mathematics) - an inquiry starting from given conditions to investigate or demonstrate a fact, result, or law.

Pipeline (noun) - a linear sequence of specialized modules used for pipelining.

Pipeline (verb) - design or execute (a computer or instruction) using the technique of pipelining

Recipe - a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish; including a list of ingredients required.

Pipelining (verb) - a form of computer organization in which successive steps of an instruction sequence are executed in turn by a sequence of modules that are able to operate concurrently, so that another instruction can be begun before the previous one is finished.