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Coupling Layers

A univariate bijective differentiable function \hat{f}_\theta(x): \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, parameterized by \theta. Note: It needs to be strictly monotonic.

Non-Linear Squared Flows

\hat{f}_\theta(x) = ax + b + \frac{c}{1+(dx+h)^2}

where \theta=[a,b,c,d,h]

  • Invertible
  • Inverse is analytically computable (root of cubic polynomial)

Paper: Latent Normalizing Flows for Discrete Sequences - Ziegler & Rush (2019)

Continuous Mixture CDFs

\hat{f}_\theta(x) = \theta_1 F_{\theta_3}(x) + \theta_2

where \theta_1 \neq \theta, \theta_3\in \mathbb{R}, \theta_2=[\pi, \mu, \sigma]\in \mathbb{R}^K \times \mathbb{R}^K \times \mathbb{R}^K

The function F_{\theta_2}(x, \pi, \mu, \sigma) is a CDF mixture distribution of K logistic functions, post-composed with an inverse Sigmoid function, logit = \log p / (1-p). So the full function is:

F(x, \pi, \mu, \sigma) = \text{logit}\left( \sum_{j=1}^{K} \pi_j \text{ logistic}\left( \frac{x-\mu_j}{\sigma} \right) \right)

Some notes: * \text{logit}:[0,1] \rightarrow \mathbb{R} - ensure the right range for \hat{f} * Inverse: done numerically w/ the bisection algorithm * \nabla_x F(\cdot) - it's a mixture of PDFs of logistic mixture distribution (i.e. linear combination of hyperbolic secant functions)

Paper: Flow++ - Ho et. al. (2019)


A spline is a piece-wise polynomial or a piece-rational function which is specified by K+1 points (x_i,y_i)_{i=0}^K called knots which a spline is passed.

In particular, I am interested in rational-quadratic splines.

Models a coupling layer \hat{f}_\theta(x) as a monotone rational-quadratic spline on the interval [-B, B], and outside the interval as an identity function.

Paper: Neural Spline Flows, Durkan et. al. (2019)