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Uncertainty of GPs: Taylor Expansion

In this document, I will be showing how we can use the Taylor Expansion approach to the posterior of Gaussian process algorithm

GP Model

We have a standard GP model. $$ \begin{aligned} y &= f(x) + \epsilon_y\ \epsilon_y &\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_y^2) \ \end{aligned} $$

  • GP Prior: p(f|X)\sim\mathcal{N}(m(X), \mathbf{K})
  • Gaussian Likelihood: p(y|f, X)=\mathcal{N}(y|f(x), \sigma_y^2\mathbf{I})
  • Posterior: f \sim \mathcal{GP}(f|\mu_{GP}, \nu^2_{GP})

And the predictive functions \mu_{GP} and \nu^2_{GP} are:

\begin{aligned} \mu_{GP} &= K_{*} K_{GP}^{-1}y=K_{*} \alpha \\ \nu^2_{GP} &= K_{**} - K_{*} K_{GP}^{-1}K_{*}^{\top} \end{aligned}

Taylor Expansion

Let's assume we have inputs with an additive noise term \epsilon_x and let's assume that it is Gaussian distributed. We can write some expressions which are very similar to the GP model equations specified above: $$ \begin{aligned} y &= f(x) + \epsilon_y \ x &= \mu_x + \epsilon_x \ \epsilon_y &\sim \mathcal{N} (0, \sigma_y^2) \ \epsilon_x &\sim \mathcal{N} (0, \Sigma_x) \end{aligned} $$ This is the transformation of a Gaussian random variable x through another r.v. y where we have some additive noise \epsilon_y. The biggest difference is that the GP model assumes that x is deterministic whereas we assume here that x is a random variable itself. Because we know that integrating out the x's is quite difficult to do in practice (because of the nonlinear Kernel functions), we can make an approximation of f(\cdot) via the Taylor expansion. We can take the a 2nd order Taylor expansion of f to be: $$ \begin{aligned} f(x) &\approx f(\mu_x + \epsilon_x) \ &\approx f(\mu_x) + \nabla f(\mu_x) \epsilon_x + \sum_{i}\frac{1}{2} \epsilon_x^\top \nabla^2 f(\mu_x) \epsilon_x \end{aligned} $$ where \nabla_x is the gradient of the function f(\mu_x) w.r.t. x and \nabla_x^2 f(\mu_x) is the second derivative (the Hessian) of the function f(\mu_x) w.r.t. x. This is a second-order approximation which has that expensive Hessian term. There have have been studies that have shown that that term tends to be neglible in practice and a first-order approximation is typically enough. Now the question is: where to put use the Taylor expansion within the GP model? There are two options: the model or the posterior. We will outline the two approaches below.

Approximate the Model

Approximate The Posterior

We can compute the expectation \mathbb{E}[\cdot] and variance \mathbb{V}[\cdot] of this Taylor expansion to come up with an approximate mean and variance function for our posterior.


This calculation is straight-forward because we are taking the expected value of a mean function f(\mu_x), the derivative of a mean function f(\mu_x) and a Gaussian distribution noise term \epsilon_x with mean 0. $$ \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}[f(x)] &\approx \mathbb{E}[f(\mu_x) + \nabla f(\mu_x) \epsilon_x] \ &= f(\mu_x) + \nabla f(\mu_x) \mathbb{\epsilon_x} \ &= f(\mu_x) \end{aligned} $$


The variance term is a bit more complex. $$ \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}\left[(f(x) - \mathbb{E}[f(x)])^\top(f(x) - \mathbb{E}[f(x)])\right] &\approx \mathbb{E}\left[(f(x) - f(\mu_x))^\top(f(x) - f(\mu_x))\right] \ &\approx \mathbb{E} \left[ \left(f(\mu_x) + \nabla f(\mu_x)\epsilon_x \right) \left( f(\mu_x) + \nabla f(\mu_x)\epsilon_x\right)^\top\right] \ &= \mathbb{E} \left[ \left(\nabla f(\mu_x): \epsilon_x \right)^\top \left( \nabla f(\mu_x): \epsilon_x \right) \right] \ &= \nabla f(\mu_x) \mathbb{E}[\epsilon_x\epsilon_x^\top]\nabla f(\mu_x) \ &= \nabla f(\mu_x): \Sigma_x :\nabla f(\mu_x) \end{aligned} $$

I: Additive Noise Model (x,f)

This is the noise $$ \begin{bmatrix} x \ y \end{bmatrix} \sim \mathcal{N} \left( \begin{bmatrix} \mu_{x} \ \mu_{y} \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_x & C \ C^\top & \Pi \end{bmatrix} \right) $$ where $$ \begin{aligned} \mu_y &= f(\mu_x) \ \Pi &= \nabla_x f(\mu_x) : \Sigma_x : \nabla_x f(\mu_x)^\top + \nu^2(x) \ C &= \Sigma_x : \nabla_x^\top f(\mu_x) \end{aligned} $$ So if we want to make predictions with our new model, we will have the final equation as: $$ \begin{aligned} f &\sim \mathcal{N}(f|\mu_{GP}, \nu^2_{GP}) \ \mu_{GP} &= K_{} K_{GP}^{-1}y=K_{} \alpha \ \nu^2_{GP} &= K_{**} - K_{*} K_{GP}{-1}K_{*} + \tilde{\Sigma}_x \end{aligned} $$ where \tilde{\Sigma}_x = \nabla_x \mu_{GP} \Sigma_x \nabla \mu_{GP}^\top.

Other GP Methods

We can extend this method to other GP algorithms including sparse GP models. The only thing that changes are the original \mu_{GP} and \nu^2_{GP} equations. In a sparse GP we have the following predictive functions $$ \begin{aligned} \mu_{SGP} &= K_{z}K_{zz}^{-1}m \ \nu^2_{SGP} &= K_{*} - K_{z}\left[ K_{zz}^{-1} - K_{zz}{-1}SK_{zz} \right]K_{z}^{\top} \end{aligned} $$ So the new predictive functions will be: $$ \begin{aligned} \mu_{SGP} &= K_{*z}K_{zz}^{-1}m \ \nu^2_{SGP} &= K_{} - K_{*z}\left[ K_{zz}^{-1} - K_{zz}{-1}SK_{zz} \right]K_{*z}^{\top} + \tilde{\Sigma}_x \end{aligned} $$ As shown above, this is a fairly extensible method that offers a cheap improved predictive variance estimates on an already trained GP model. Some future work could be evaluating how other GP models, e.g. Sparse Spectrum GP, Multi-Output GPs, e.t.c.

II: Non-Additive Noise Model

III: Quadratic Approximation

Parallels to the Kalman Filter

The Kalman Filter (KF) community use this exact formulation to motivate the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithm and some variants.

\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix} \sim \mathcal{N} \left( \begin{bmatrix} \mu_{x} \\ \mu_y \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_x & C \\ C^\top & \Pi \end{bmatrix} \right)