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We have a intialization step where we compute \mathbf W (the transformation matrix). This will be in the fit method. We will need the data because some transformations depend on \mathbf x like the PCA and the ICA.

class LinearTransform(BaseEstimator, TransformMixing):

    basis : 
    def __init__(self, basis='PCA', conv=16):
        self.basis = basis
        self.conv = conv

    def fit(self, data):
        Computes the inverse transformation of 
                z = W x

        data : array, (n_samples x Dimensions)

        # Check the data

        # Implement the transformation
        if basis.upper() == 'PCA':
        elif basis.upper() == 'ICA':
        elif basis.lower() == 'random':
        elif basis.lower() == 'conv':
        elif basis.upper() == 'dct':
            Raise ValueError('...')

        # Save the transformation matrix
        self.W = ...

        return self


We have a transformation step:

\mathbf{z=W\cdot x}

where: * \mathbf W is the transformation * \mathbf x is the input data * \mathbf y is the final transformation

def transform(self, data):
    Computes the inverse transformation of 
            z = W x

    data : array, (n_samples x Dimensions)
    return data @ self.W

Inverse Transformation

We also can apply an inverse transform.

def inverse(self, data):
    Computes the inverse transformation of 
    z = W^-1 x

    data : array, (n_samples x Dimensions)


    return data @ np.linalg.inv(self.W)


Lastly, we can calculate the Jacobian of that function. The Jacobian of a linear transformation is just

def logjacobian(self, data=None):

    if data is None:
        return np.linalg.slogdet(self.W)[1]

    return np.linalg.slogdet(self.W)[1] + np.zeros([1, data.shape[1]])

Log Likelihood (?)


Here we have a few tests that we can do:

  • DCT components are orthogonal
  • PCA works
  • Eigenvalues are descending
  • PCA + Whitening Works
  • Eigenvalues are descending
  • Data is white [all(abs(np.cov(pca.transform(data))< 1e-6>)]
  • Test the non-symmetric version (?)
def test_dct(self):

    # Initialize Linear Transformation Class and DCT components
    dct = LinearTransformation(basis='DCT', conv=16)

    # Make sure the DCT basis is orthogonal
    self.assertTrue(all(abs(dct.W, dct.W.T) - np.eye(256)) < 1e-10)

    # The Jacobian should be zero
    X_rand = np.random.randn(16, 10)
    self.assertTrue(all(abs(dct.logjacobian(X_rand), dct.W.T) - np.eye(256) < 1e-10))

def test_pca(self):

    # Get Test Data
    X_rand = np.random.randn(16, 256)

    covr = np.cov(X_rand)

    data = np.linalg.cholesky(covr) @ np.random.randn(16, 10000)

    # Initialize Linear Transformation with PCA
    pca = LinearTransformation(basis='PCA')

    # Make sure eigenvalues descend


    # Make sure data is white

def test_pca_whitening(self):


Boundary Issues

PDF Estimation under arbitrary transformation

Let \mathbf x \in \mathbb R^d be a r.v. with a PDF, \mathcal P_x (\mathbf x). Given some bijective, differentiable transform \mathbf x and \mathbf y using \mathcal G:\mathbb R^d \rightarrow \mathbb R^d, \mathbf y = \mathcal G(\mathbf x), we can use the change of variables formula to calculate the determinant:

\mathcal{P}_x( \mathbf x)= \mathcal{P}_{y}\left( \mathcal{G}_{\theta}( \mathbf x) \right) \left| \frac{\partial \mathcal{G}_{\theta}(\mathbf x)}{\partial \mathbf x} \right|
\mathcal{P}_x( \mathbf x)= \mathcal{P}_{y}\left( \mathcal{G}_{\theta}( \mathbf x) \right) \cdot \left| \nabla_{\mathbf x} \cdot \mathcal{G}_{\theta}(\mathbf x) \right|

In the case of Gaussianization, we can calculate \mathcal P (\mathbf x) if the Jacobian is known since

Iterative Gaussianization Transform is Invertible

Given a Gaussianization transform:

\mathcal G:\mathbf x^{(k+1)}=\mathbf R_{(k)}\cdot\mathbf \Psi_{(k)}\left( \mathbf x^{(k)} \right)

by simple manipulation, the inversion transform is:

\mathcal G^{-1}:\mathbf x^{(k)}=\mathbf \Psi_{(k)}^{-1}\left( \mathbf R_{(k)}^{-1} \cdot \mathbf x^{(k)} \right)

Note: If \mathbf R_{(k)}^{-1} is orthogonal, then \mathbf R_{(k)}^{-1} = \mathbf R_{(k)}^{\top}. So we can simplify our transformation like so:

\mathcal G^{-1}:\mathbf x^{(k)}=\mathbf \Psi_{(k)}^{-1}\left( \mathbf R_{(k)}^{\top} \cdot \mathbf x^{(k)} \right)

iff \mathbf R_{(k)}^{-1} is orthogonal or (orthonormal vectors).

Note 2: to ensure that \mathbf \Psi_{(k)} is invertible, we need to be sure that the PDF support is connected. So the domain is continuous and there are no disjoint spaces (???).



  • Multivariate Gaussianization for Data Proceessing - Prezi
  • Nonlineear Extraction of 'IC' of elliptically symmetric densities using radial Gaussianization - Lyu et. al. (2008) -
