Lat-Lon Domains

J. Emmanuel JohnsonTakaya Uchida
import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import xarray as xr
import jax
from jaxsw._src.domain.latlon import LatLonMeanDomain, LatLonDomain, lat_lon_deltas
from jaxsw._src.utils.coriolis import beta_plane, coriolis_param

sns.set_context(context="talk", font_scale=0.7)
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Latitude/Longitude Domains

Often we get data with spherical coordinates, i.e. latitude and longitude. This will be common when working with real data. So we need some way to convert the coordinates into a box-like domain.

Note: We could try to use a method that handles spherical coordinates out of the box. However, this is not available in this package (at the moment). See the xinvert package for details. (Might add this in at a later date)

Read input SSH

ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("ersstv5")
lon = ds.lon.values
lat =
sst = ds.sst[0].values.T
subset_ds = ds.sel(lat=slice(60, 20), lon=slice(125, 200)).isel(time=-1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# ds.sst.isel(time=-1).plot.pcolormesh(cmap="RdBu_r")
<Figure size 640x480 with 2 Axes>

Lat/Lon Domain

lat(m)=\text{lat(m)} =
d=(x1x2)2+(y1y2)2d = \sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2}
# from metpy.calc import lat_lon_grid_deltas
# out = lat_lon_grid_deltas(lon, lat)

We look at the wiki page for the spherical Earth projected to a plane. Given some latitude, longitude pairs, (ϕ1,λ1),(ϕ2,λ2)(\phi_1,\lambda_1), (\phi_2,\lambda_2), we can calculate the distance between them:

Δϕ=ϕ2ϕ1Δλ=λ2λ1\begin{aligned} \Delta\phi &= \phi_2 - \phi_1 \\ \Delta\lambda &= \lambda_2 - \lambda_1 \end{aligned}

We can also calculate the "mean" latitude

ϕm=ϕ1+ϕ22\phi_m = \frac{\phi_1 + \phi_2}{2}

Now we can calculate the distance between any set of points via the following formula:

d=R(Δϕ)2+(cos(ϕm)Δλ)2d = R \sqrt{(\Delta \phi)^2 + (cos(\phi_m)\Delta\lambda)^2}

where RR is the radius of the Earth (6371200.0).

lon = subset_ds.lon.values
lat =

dx, dy = lat_lon_deltas(lon=lon, lat=lat)

print(dx.shape, dy.shape, lon.shape, lat.shape)
(38, 21) (38, 21) (38,) (21,)
f0=2Ωsin(latπ180)f_0 = 2\Omega\sin(\text{lat}\frac{\pi}{180})
f = coriolis_param(lat)

f0 = jnp.mean(f)

print(f"Coriolis Param: {f0:.2e}")
Coriolis Param: 9.17e-05

This is very close to the parameter I've seen in simulations, i.e. 1e51e-5

sst = jnp.asarray(subset_ds.sst[0].values.T)

Convenience Class

lon = subset_ds.lon.values
lat =

domain = LatLonMeanDomain(lat=lat, lon=lon)

assert domain.size == (lon.shape[0], lat.shape[0])

domain.size, domain.dx
((38, 21), (Array(170366.08, dtype=float32), Array(222396.9, dtype=float32)))

Many times, we're using a lot of approximate methods for the discretization and many of them require some uniform grid. There is a convenience method to simply take the mean of the dx.

Array(196381.5, dtype=float32)